Roll the dice for another round of CLUE – the River Birch version

Although some are still playing CLUE – the River Birch Version,  we need to roll the dice and start another round to make room for all the new clues filed today.

Let’s start with why the Government brought a “clean team” along when the FBI searched the third floor offices of River Birch: (Government’s Response)

A “clean team” or privilege review team was assigned to the execution of a search warrant in this case due to the investigators’ knowledge that Peter Butler, Sr., a licensed attorney, worked within River Birch’s offices at 2000 Belle Chasse Highway. Investigators were concerned about the possible seizure of documents that could be subject to a privilege between an attorney and client.

Which leads to the one additional document filed today, the Plaintiffs’ Memorandum Regarding File Cabinets and File Folders – AKA SCRABBLE!

…The tan filing cabinet in the file room contains River Birch, Inc.’s old files on numerous matters, including reports on environmental regulation and compliance, various law suits, information about vendors and customers, and agreements with environmental consultants. The files in this cabinet date from approximately 1993 to approximately 2007.

The plaintiffs are unsure whether the Government seized any documents from this cabinet. However, everything currently in this tan filing cabinet was not seized by the Government. Any documents returned by the Government after the search are in the possession of undersigned counsel and have not been re-filed. (emphasis added)

The boxes of files copied and returned are full of clues – too bad River Birch didn’t peek as a good many in Box 2 likely came from the tan cabinet holding files from 1993-2007 – perhaps, even this one, at least in part:

NC General Contractors cancelled checks and bank statements 12/30/07 – 5/2010.

Tele picked up a clue to the significance of those records when he discovered:

…293 Firethorn does show up…belonging to: Anne W. Caldarera. The assessment is for apx. $15,000. Here’s where Anne W. Caldarera shows up. Guess what the “W.” stands for: WARD.

OK, the game is on!

While you dig in the inventory for more clues, I’ll be busy trying to match the offices on the numbered list in the Heebe-Ward-River Birch floor plan memo with the lettered offices on the government’s inventory of seized documents.

16 thoughts on “Roll the dice for another round of CLUE – the River Birch version”

  1. Man, is Douglas Caldarera related to Joe Caldarera, the Freakin contractor that had cost over runs on building Zypher stad., jefferson performing arts and received many lucrative contracts on libraries and fire stations in the parish. If so this Douglas focker needs to be looked at real bad brother.

  2. I think we’re beginning to see a pattern eh Punditto? I spoke with ‘Gate at length on Zypher Stadium. Do I remember right, the seats were left out of the plans? The related change order must have been astronomical. I’m told the original architect on the performing arts center has been fired due to problems with design. I’ve been told the original architect prior to that had a great reputation. We also know that TheRiot’s hatchet man Deao Bonano was put over the project at some point. Anyone else wonder why it is that companies connected to Team Ward always seem connected to projects that are fucked up and end up wayyyy over budget?

    Time is very short for me these days but if a member of the Slabbed Nation would be so kind as to PRR the last pay ap, original contract and change orders on the performing arts center I’ll see if I can put on my day job hat and make some sense of the project.


  3. Anne Ward Caldarera and Douglas P. Caldarera purchased 293 Firethorn in Gretna from Jeff Ward Builders, Inc. for $54k in 1980. They divorced 2-6-1998. House is owned by Anne Ward Caldarera. Douglas Caldarera then married Karla Diliberto.

    Pirogue Cove Apartments (Partnerhsip in Commendam): 11-19-81
    Albert J. Ward (General Partner)–(wife is Willie D. Barnes)
    Melville F. Borne Jr (General Partner)–(wife is Anne Pelzer Borne)
    Frederick Riley Heebe (General Partner)
    Adrea Dee Heebe (General Partner)
    Jeffery Lawton Ward (General Partner)–(wife is Janet Griffin Ward
    Anne Ward Caldarera (General Partner)
    Willie Dee Barnes Ward (Class A PiC)–(first marriage to Frederick Heebee then 2nd marriage to Albert James Ward Jr.)
    W.H. Ward Lumber Co. Inc (Class B Pic)

    Amended in Nov of 1981
    Peter J. Butler (Pic)–(wife is William Lucie Guillotte)
    George W. Vandervort (PiC)–wife is Marjorie Ward
    Frederick Murphy Trupiano (PiC)–wife is Patricia Mary Coste

    Anne Ward Caldarera also owns/ed:
    Lot 63, Square 4, Section 1 in Timberland Estates for 35k in 1982

    A.J. Ward Jr (Gen. Partner)
    Waltemath’s Classic Properties (Gen Partner)–(David L. Waltemath is GP for WCP)
    Anne Ward Calderera (PiC)
    Adrea D. Heebe (PiC)
    Frederick R. Heebe (PiC)
    Willie D. Barnes (PiC)
    Jeffery Lawton Ward (PiC)

    WATERVIEW APARTMENTS Partnership in Commendam) 12-13-1982
    A.J. Ward Jr (GP)
    Willie Dee Barnes Ward (PiC)
    Joey Baldassaro (PiC)
    Gene Trilling (PiC)
    Ann Ward Calderera (PiC)
    Adrea D. Heebe (PiC)
    Frederick R. Heebe (PiC)
    Jeffrey Lawton Ward (PiC)

    Emily Barrios (Board of Director & Agent)
    Gary S. Becker (BOD/Agent)
    Jacquelyn A. Bruchi (BOD/Agent)
    Adrea D. Heebe (BOD/Agent)
    Frederick R. Heebe (BOD/Agent)
    Albert J. Ward Jr (BOD/Agent & President)
    Peggy Lasseigne, Secretary for Willow Inc.
    Dominick A. Russo Jr (Contractor for Willow Inc)

    Albert Ward Jr. (Architectural Control Committee for Willow)
    Peggy Lasseigne (Architectural Control Committee for Willow)
    B.K. Sneed (Architectural Control Committee for Willow & Vice President)

    N.C. General Contractors, Inc. 2-6-1995 formed
    Douglas P. Caldarera 293 Firethorn Drive, Gretna, LA 70056 is address
    Thomas C. Rhodes (Secretary of N.C. General Contractors)

  4. OMG, that makes me want to break into song, Supa! Of course, no one will sing along to “I am my own Grandpa”!

  5. How about Peggy Olson Barton & Brian Barton contract with Willow Incorporated Aug. 30, 1994 for 3408 Lake Arrowhead Drive, Harvey for 19,000.00 with Peggy Lasseigne representing Willow Inc. They sold the property on June 28, 2002 for $205,000.00.

  6. Willow Inc. in 1992
    Vice President Anthony Licciardi
    Lena Norton on Board of Directors

    Pinewood Inc. in 1994 & Lea, Inc in 1995
    Willie Dee Barnes Ward–President
    Peggy Lasseigne–Secretary
    Adrea Heebe
    Frederick Heebe
    Emily Barrios
    Albert J. Ward Jr.
    Michelle Green

  7. The same Peggy Barton who rented an apt from her boss the now disgraced former Parish Attorney Tom Wilkinson? The same Peggy Barton who spent weeks at a time visiting her hubby in KOREA on Parish time? Oh yeah, it was ok because Tommy said it was, and she was available by email after 4:30 every day.

  8. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    May 25, 2004 Sale of Property from Willow Inc. to Christopher Roberts the property known as 24 Marigold Lane, Waggaman, LA 70094 for $133,863.00. Michelle Green represented Willow Inc. in the transaction. It sold in 1-25-2007 for $177,000.00.

  9. Did I hear somewhere that Chrissy now lives in the same cluster of townhomes where Tim Coulon lives , which cluster was built by the Heebe/Wards?

  10. Ms. Barton needs to explain why everyone else paid between $150k to 180k for the same properties on her street yet she only paid Willow Inc. 19,000.00 The only other low ball offer in that area was a property that sold for $35,000 and that was to one of the Wards.

    She needs to be investigated immediately. Some might call it a deal some might call it a kickback, you decide.

  11. Wow SupaSleuth! Our sources have been very consistent that Barton is crooked. TheRiot choosing her over Gruntz for interim Parish Attorney comes into much sharper focus.

    I’m beginning to think the entire office of the Parish Attorney is rotten to the core.


  12. Peggy Barton is a felon who has committed a slew of crimes as an Asst PA and Connick’s punk Young continues to keep her on the payroll knowing that all of the allegations of her criminal conduct are factually true.

    It is way past time that she be fired and that she, along with her corrupt former boss Tom Wilkinson, be indicted for the numerous violations of payroll fraud as it relates to the non-elector AsstPA and the illegal para-legal Barton was supervisor of under the direction of Wilkinson; they both are guilty of alterations to public records; and as principal participants in the criminal conspiracy to award River Birch an illegal landfill monopoly.

    Both DA Connick and US Atty Letten should be indicted for misprison of a felony and malfeasance in offense having knowledge of all of the allegations mounted against these two miscreants, Barton and Wilkinson, and refusing to indict them…then civil lawsuits should be filed against Wilkinson, Barton, Connick and Letten to recover monies gained by anyone who was hired illegally as a para-legal and a non-elector AsstPA as a result of their intentional malpractice; and all four of these sleezeball MFs need to be disbarred. But of course I’m just ranting here…

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