Hey Bobby take your sand berms and shove it! And take that fat ass crook Billy with you. The Feds halt the environmental rape of the Nungesser/Jindal Sand Berm Scheme.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

We’re just the little blog that could folks. Our previous coverage of the Sand Berm boondoggle can be found by clicking here. WWL radio has the story. Sanity prevails over self serving, corrupt politicians.


Katrina's "who dat Judge Martin Feldman" now dabbling in oil!

He’s back! None other than “who dat Judge Martin Feldman” is about to streamline and steamroll us again.  Times Picayune reporter Rebecca Mowbray has the story:

U.S. District Court Judge Martin Feldman said today that he will decide on whether to issue a preliminary injunction against the six-month deepwater drilling moratorium by noon Wednesday.

After a hearing in federal court this morning, Feldman said he hopes to have his decision ready by noon Tuesday if possible.

The hearing was part of a lawsuit seeking to lift the deepwater drilling moratorium on an expedited basis, despite an effort by the federal government for a delay until the end of July, two months into the six-month shutdown.

Feldman, “a true blue outcome-oriented judicial activist who led the law where he wanted it to go” in Katrina litigation, definitely knows where he’s going with the decision he will make in this case.  Anyone doubting the outcome need only to look at his Financial Disclosure Report:
Continue reading “Katrina's "who dat Judge Martin Feldman" now dabbling in oil!”

Anita Lee is reporting on her blog her guess is the brown stuff discovered Bay of St Louis is oil.

Anita Lee reports on her blog the brown stuff discovered in the Bay of St Louis looks like oil to her.

Meantime we await the test results. IMHO being slicked on Mississippi’s West Coast is a matter of time. I hope I’m wrong.


In this episode of Magnum J.D., Magnum enters his partner James Williams in a beauty contest.

For those that are not familiar with business beauty contests such as Top 100 lawyers, “Superlawyer”, Top 40 under 40,  etc., etc., etc be advised those lists are not worth the paper they are printed upon.

In fact, between doing this stuff, being Kevin Costner’s money man and all the behind the scenes politicin’, I don’t see how Magnum finds time to practice law but then again I’ve been told he had little to no courtroom experience. Here is the firm’s propaganda page on Williams.

Also notice the date of the letter that was mass mailed late last week as it is 2 days after Val Bracy was told Magnum was on leave of absence. Bullshitting the press is not a good idea IMHO. Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum J.D., Magnum enters his partner James Williams in a beauty contest.”