10 thoughts on “The chicken is in the pot. I repeat the chicken is in the pot.”

  1. Hi everyone! I’m doing my best as an average American to keep up w/the news surrounding the crude oil and dirt that’s attacked our pristine beaches, sea life, etc., and, as if that’s not enough, we now have to concern ourselves w/SOME (obviously, not all) unscrupulous, crude, slick “Attorneys” who are out trying to MAKE MONEY off this environmental catastrophe! I read on CNN about a CA law firm that was in one of the affected states giving seminars about how to “recover” monetary damages from BP…of course, the seminar “advice” was free! It just brings back visions of Katrina and how the sharks were swimming around b4 she even hit shore……and b4 some Attorneys take this the wrong way, plz don’t. There are those who give the legal profession a good name and there are those who do not ….as in any profession I suppose.


    1. Well said Shirley. I did a post on that topic last week. You can not tune in the local TV without being bombarded non stop with commercials from the same bunch.

      It’s is a bonanza for the stations but I’m tuning out the big screen and watching Fox 8 commercial free on the internet.


  2. OOwee Can you hear me through this gas mask Mr.Theriot? We read your T/P editorial letter this morning in our bunker and listen up you persistent little stooge.You know damn well that 99% of what bloggers write is the truth but you and your gang of Nazis want to supress the truth to cover for your political cronies. And we will continue to give out the truth about Mr.Greg Giangrosso, who you and the council know received a 40% increase in salary from August 2009 to January 2010 and who within 2 months replaced ann marie vandenweghe in public records, and who immediately was instructed to and did began a campaign to deny every public records request via a form letter; which Chairman Council Young publically pronounced was based on erroneous case jurisprudence.Yet,in classic political smoke and mirrors at the last council meeting, you asked the council to investigate if any other employee received an outrageous pay raise in violation of the Executive Pay Raise Plan; like you intended to do something about it.Then today in your letter to T/P you state that the JP employee’s morale is down because of “unverified” blogs.Well, maybe Mr.Greg Giangrosso’s morale is down and his boss Ms.Peggy Barton’s, but the general peasant worker’s morale is down because of the Whitmer,Broussard,Karen Parker,Trahan,Mortillaro, Tommasie,Wilkinson scandals; then because of your “fixed” appointment by the council and your smoke and mirrors game of fabricating lies about AMV to move her out of public records then move Mr.Giangrosso into the records department to shut all discovery down about further JP scandals. Your smoke and mirrors management isn’t working, your BS lawsuit didn’t work,and the peasant workers are beefing up their personal security and waiting for the water to start boiling “the chicken in the pot”.And it is not going to just simmer boil, but boil over into the kitchen which is already hot. Since you are feeling the heat you better bail out now while you still have your flammable hair doos intact. My uncle and I have 2 months of nanas’ stockpiled and can wait you and the secret police out until the Feds free us!oowee

  3. To Fuhrer TheRiot: A Poem
    Spring is sprung
    The grass is riz
    I wonder where the Nazi iz
    oh there he iz
    Iz that a rug?
    First amendment rights?
    Bah humbug.

    Don’t worry I am not quitting my day job to write poems. Well not yet

  4. Before I leave to get a case of Rebel Yell, I must ask Herr Theriot a question ? This is it ? This is your alternative push back ? Blame bloggers for the woes of JP employee morale ? You mean the employees on the Tenth floor whose egos match the size of their over inflated salaries, do you not ?

    The Furheur’s opinions are devolving from black comedy to a rather disturbing paranoid tone. I would suggest that Alario put duck tape over his mouth and Sisung take the shovel out of his hands, this is going south for Herr Theriot, but they may possibly be able to divert attention to themselves by putting him under a speeding bus, ASAP !

    Herr Theriot, you conduct, as it relates to constitutional rights, is ineffable !

    Your a disgrace and embarrassment to the citizens of JP and that includes your so-called friends.


  5. oowee Nothing like the “chicken soup” cure for an epidemic contagious, bad government disease which is immune to “Truth Serum” and chokes the breath and life out of the hard working JP employees.Come on so- called “Ethical Committee”,set to soon “fix” us with another so-called good government internal auditor to compliment TheRiot, “open up” those hypocritical BS mouths and take some “home-made” soup. And Mr.Giangrosso and acting Parish Attorney Barton a little hot soup will do wonders for your depressed morale, may help y’all recover and start granting some public records to the citizens who pay your “outrageous” salaries. oowee

  6. Thursdays are grand jury return so I will have to wait another week for someone’s goose, I mean chicken to get cooked, SOP. Damn, I’m hungry!

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