Slicked and Slabbed – "big oil" follows "big insurance" and delivers another blow to Coast economy

BP officials told South Mississippi leaders Saturday the beaches probably can’t be protected from a major oil spill and will have to be cleaned after it comes ashore…

So, our beach is like a Sears’ catalog in the outhouse of oil leaks – great plan there BP!  The Sun Herald has more on the wipe-up; while the Huffington Post shows how we were set up to be “slicked and slabbed”.

Continue reading “Slicked and Slabbed – "big oil" follows "big insurance" and delivers another blow to Coast economy”

"We interrupt this interruption of our regularly scheduled disaster blogging to report that levees have failed above Memphis" – said the Editilla this soggy Sunday morning

SLABBED sadly interrupts the Editilla’s “interruption of  the interruption of regularly scheduled disaster blogging” to report At Least 3 Dead In Severe Weather In Mississippi

Possible tornados have killed three people in Northern Mississippi…Benton County Coroner John Riles identified the victims as 25-year-old Latoya Long and 26-year-old Thomas Catrell Cowan. He said the two lived in a mobile home that “looks like you stuck about four sticks of dynamite on it and it just disappeared.”  Riles said several other people reported injuries after the storm blew through about 2:30 a.m. Sunday…Lafayette County Emergency Management coordinator David Shaw confirmed a death in Abbeville. He said the victim’s house was blown apart. Mississippi remains under a tornado watch through Sunday afternoon.

Returning to the unscheduled interruption of the Ladder’s “regularly scheduled disaster blogging” and the Editilla’s report – the Levees have failed above Memphis: Continue reading “"We interrupt this interruption of our regularly scheduled disaster blogging to report that levees have failed above Memphis" – said the Editilla this soggy Sunday morning”