BREAKING: Anne Marie Vandenweghe ordered reinstated by Little Pup.

Val Bracy has the story for Fox 8. Here is a snippet:

Parish President Steve Theriot put Vandenweghe on paid leave last month. Vandenweghe says she was accused of blogging on parish time.

A letter she received from Theriot on Wednesday says the parish has finished a preliminary investigation but the letter makes no reference to blogging.

“It appears the direction of the investigation went from my alleged blogging, which was non-existent, and my internet surfing. Now there’s a reference to my having done some work for my daughter who is in college and/or to my mediation work; mediation work I haven’t done since 2007 and that was prior to going full-time at the parish.” Vandenweghe believes Theriot’s decision to suspend her was based on bad information from other unnamed employees with ulterior motives.

and this: Continue reading “BREAKING: Anne Marie Vandenweghe ordered reinstated by Little Pup.”

What a performance! Donelon lip synchs the State Farm Song

Maybe the Commission can’t carry a tune in a bucket – or maybe there’s something else in the bucket he’s carrying.  Whatever the reason, Jim Donelon is definitely out of tune with the voters when he lip synchs the State Farm song.

The Times Picayune has the story:  State Farm tries again for a rate increase on Louisiana homes.

State Farm Fire and Casualty Co., the state’s largest residential insurer, is asking for an average 9.9 percent rate increase for homeowners coverage in Louisiana.

The filing with the Department of Insurance comes just over a month after Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon rejected the company’s request for an average 19.1 percent rate hike. Donelon called that proposal unreasonable and unjustified…

That “unreasonable and unjustified proposal” has been replaced with the same song, second verse: Continue reading “What a performance! Donelon lip synchs the State Farm Song”


We’re back at the fork of the road and continuing with the second part of Forked! “Bifurcation for Dummies”… Our first source document is the 53 pages of correspondence between State Farm’s Butler-Snow attorneys Bob Galloway and Jeffrey Walker and August Matteis attorney for the Rigsby sisters, exhibits from State Farm’s 420-page Motion to Compel.

In the first of this two-part post, we learned State Farm translates “bifurcation” as we go our way and you go both ways” and Matteis takes Judge Senter as a man of his word.   In the remaining two letters, Jeffery Walker fills in for Galloway.  Although no small feat considering the size of Galloway’s e-pistol, Wright condenses Galloway’s points into four pages and fattens the straw man. Clearly, State Farm refuses to bifurcate Scruggs while Matteis presses on with his insistence the first trial is all about the McIntosh claim.

Matteis is so consistent with his fidelity to the Court’s direction that we will also take a look at the Relators’ Expedited Motion to Compel Haag Engineering Co. to Produce Documents and Answer Interrogatories Prior to the Depositions of Tim Marshall and Paul O’Connor and the role roles played by Haag’s counsel, Larry Canada – but first, Continue reading “Forked!”

McKinsey consulted with State Farm on Xactware estimates following Katrina – Schafer v State Farm

If you type “McKinsey” into “Search” at the top of the page, you’ll find a multi-page listing of related SLABBED posts. What you will read, however, is far from a glowing report on a Company that touts, “Our alumni number more than 18,000, and work in virtually every business sector in over 80 countries” on its website.

One of the recurring questions about McKinsey is what role the Company’s consulting played in the way insurers handled policyholders’ claims following Hurricane Katrina. McKinsey was a named defendant in the anti-trust case filed by former Louisiana Attorney General Foti who accused the Company of “advising insurers to ‘stop ‘premium leakage’ by undervaluing claims using the tactics of deny, delay, and defend’ “.

After the case was dismissed, State Farm spokesman Phil Supple commented, “We felt these allegations were completely unfounded from the outset, and we’re pleased the court today agreed with our position”. State Farm continued to maintain that position in Schafer v State Farm, according to the Schafer’s Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel.

In its Opposition, State Farm stated: “McKinsey has not provided any services or documents to State Farm in connection with the adjustment or handling of Hurricane Katrina property claims, and McKinsey materials accordingly are wholly irrelevant here.” The Gourgues affidavit (attached to State Farm’s Opposition) states, in part: “Since that time [1998], however, McKinsey & Co. has provided no services to State Farm that have impacted the handling of Hurricane Katrina property claims in Louisiana.”

However, the Schafers also say, “This is just not true” and provide supporting documentation for their claim. Continue reading “McKinsey consulted with State Farm on Xactware estimates following Katrina – Schafer v State Farm”

Toxic Trailers? The “Strong Arm” gets his ass kicked today in NOLA Federal Court

If there is one piece of advice I would freely give a consumer looking for legal help, it would be to scratch off every law firm that advertises incessantly on the TeeVee. Sadly for the plaintiffs in the second bellweather trial related to FEMA trailers, the catchy, old school advertising slogan did not hold up before a Federal jury today in New Orleans.


Sop reports Branch for Slabbed stock basher style: Mag. Sally Sushan busts Alan Kanner’s balls, guts case.

This is a big win for Team Insurance IMHO.  James and Sock called this in the comments over the weekend.

Here is Magistrate Sally Sushan’s report and recommendation and the customary Scribd embed: Continue reading “Sop reports Branch for Slabbed stock basher style: Mag. Sally Sushan busts Alan Kanner’s balls, guts case.”

There is a Normand in the woodpile! The politics of driving drunk and Jefferson Parish law enforcement

Norma Broussard has some company (besides DA Paul Connick) in the Jefferson Parish drunk tank as Sheriff Newell Normand joins them. Michelle Hunter has the latest for the Times Picayune:

A sergeant with the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office was fired after he was booked Sunday night with driving his patrol unit while intoxicated — the deputy’s second DWI arrest.

Sheriff Newell Normand terminated Dominick Imbornone today…… Continue reading “There is a Normand in the woodpile! The politics of driving drunk and Jefferson Parish law enforcement”

Do not touch the children

That would be the theme these days in Bay St Louis but I will not tell stories on Brother William or Mr Verlander. Instead, since I’m not talking, we’ll let the Sun Herald say a few things on the topic here and here.

Bub remains gay…..
