The Payoff for Cooperation: USA Moves to have Sean Carothers Released From Prison.

Just in folks. Here is the Government’s memo and here is the addendum to it. To me the news is that Mr Carothers will indeed be a star witness against Mr Moultrie and the government fully expects him to testify:

From the memo:

Mr. Carothers spent hundreds of hours of his time analyzing documents and creating demonstrative evidence of approximately $2,000,000 in overbillings by The Facility Group, the company that oversaw and managed the construction of the beef processing plant. Carothers assistance was instrumental in uncovering the fraudulent scheme.

That those motions were filed and the Court has set them for hearings on August 13-15. Mr. Carothers is needed to aid and assist in our responses to those motions, to prepare for his testimony at those hearings and ultimately at the trial which is set to begin on August 25, 2008. We anticipate that Mr. Carothers will again be needed in our office for a substantial number of hours each week as we prepare our case and for the trial of this matter.

That such preparations simply cannot be accomplished while Mr. Carothers is incarcerated at the Federal Prison Camp in Pensacola, Florida, and very difficult if incarcerated at the Lafayette County Detention Center in Oxford, Mississippi.

That Mr. Carothers’ assistance has been and will be essential to the successful prosecution of the above matter and his presence is greatly needed.

For the above reasons and based upon Mr. Carothers substantial assistance, we respectfully request that the Court reduce his sentence in such a fashion that he could be released from his current incarceration.

From the addendum, Mr Carothers is needed for the upcoming Daubert Hearing.

SEAN CAROTHERS has and will continue to render substantial and vital assistance to our office in the prosecution of the case entitled United States v. Robert Moultrie, et al., which is currently re-set for trial on August 25, 2008 and waiting to go to trial on that date.

That recently, CAROTHERS, while incarcerated, has further provided us with a detailed summary of his expected testimony, including a detailed methodology of his calculations, for discovery purposes related to his testimony. This summary has been produced to defense counsel. We will make it available to the Court should the Court wish to see it.

4 thoughts on “The Payoff for Cooperation: USA Moves to have Sean Carothers Released From Prison.”

  1. Sop, I went back and looked for the original motion to reduce his sentence. It was filed in April. The memo in support was filed in June and now addendum was filed yesterday. I have posted the original motion under US. v. Moultrie here. It is pretty interesting, too, although some of it has been covered above:

    1. That for approximately two years, Sean Carothers has assisted the United States in the investigation related to the Facility Group, the company that oversaw and managed the construction of the beef processing plant.
    2. That Carothers provided expertise regarding the complex accounting methods used by the Facility Group, resulting in the discovery of a scheme to overcharge the project in labor and other expenses in the approximate amount of $2,000,000.
    3. That Carothers, from thousands of pages of source documents, provided spread sheets and other demonstrative evidence outlining the fraud.
    4. That Carothers assisted the government investigators in understanding construction accounting and practices, which significantly aided the prosecutors in drafting of subpoenas, other requests for documents and materials and charges.
    5. That Carothers has testified before the federal grand jury as an expert and fact witness.
    6. That Carothers is ready, willing and able to testify at any trial to which he is subpoenaed.
    7. That as a result of his cooperation, the United States uncovered an extremely complex scheme to defraud the State of Mississippi and other entities and individuals and has led to the indictment of three persons and five corporations.

    I didn’t know that he had already testified as a expert witness and a fact witness before the grand jury. Very interesting!

  2. wow sop, this is ihteresting news. Guess the Moultrie Gang is a little scared now.

    keep us Georgians posted

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