Modular News generated on demand: Waste Management and the Parish are still holding hands…..

Folks monitoring a PACER docket is sometimes an interesting exercise in compare and contrast. For example earlier this week Paul Rioux at the T-P wrote a PACER based story on the latest newsworthy developments on the Parish’s suit against Waste Management. The long and short of it is both parties want the July 11 trial postponed as their mutual love and affection continues to grow. But there was something in Rioux’s story that bothered me to the point where I pondered the subject matter over the past couple of days before writing a post on the topic. Two sentences in two paragraphs in fact:

Young’s administration had not responded by Tuesday evening to a request for information on how much the suit has cost the parish. Margie Seemann, vice chairwoman of Citizens for Good Government, said the parish’s response to her recent public records request pegs the legal bill at $250,000.

Seemann has repeatedly urged the parish to drop the suit and cancel the River Birch contract. But parish officials have said they are continuing the suit in hopes of obtaining a court order declaring the River Birch deal null and void.

I’ve been around the block long enough to know a journalistic dig when I see one. Continue reading “Modular News generated on demand: Waste Management and the Parish are still holding hands…..”

Team River Birch beclowns their clowns: A putting in the fix on the inside for River Birch update.

Paul Rioux at the Times Picayune checks in today with a report that is masterful in its nuance as Team River Birch has the full court PR press on and one again they manage to put egg on their own face as well as the Parish, specifically Public Records.  There is lots of fodder for discussion in Paul’s lengthy story but since I am time strapped I’m going to focus in on 2 items the first being that thanks to Steve Theriot and John Young it appears Jefferson Parish no longer has a cohesive, functioning public records department. Taken a step further I’ll add Paul conveys the obvious without saying it as it certainly appears the Parish Attorney’s office is simply an adjunct legal department for Freddie Heebe, Jim Ward and the River Birch Landfill. This snippet illustrates that point:

River Birch obtained the notes and other parish documents about the draft study Monday through a public records request and in turn provided them to The Times-Picayune. Parish attorneys denied a similar request by the newspaper for the preliminary study in December, citing an exemption in the state’s disclosure law for documents prepared “in anticipation of litigation or in preparation for trial.”

I will point out that normally newspapers are big on access to public records so the silence on the major problems with public records in Jefferson Parish, well reported here, means the T-P sucked on it in silence for at least the past 3 months.  I’ll add that while Jefferson Parish was stonewalling the Times Picayune while giving it all up for Freddie Heebie they also continue to retaliate against the whistleblowers and John Young is ass deep in it right along with his political blowbuddy Tom Capella and their puppets Peggy Barton and Louis Gruntz.  As long as the Parish Attorney’s office, at the behest of elected officials work for the River Birch Landfill instead of the taxpayers expect to see more such clusterfucks as the many Paul Rioux details today. Continue reading “Team River Birch beclowns their clowns: A putting in the fix on the inside for River Birch update.”

Waste Management drops another Nuke, exposes more information on the shithouse way the River Birch contract was let.

Team Waste Management has been very busy of late taking depositions etc in the Parish’s suit against them and man o’ man is there a treasure trove of information coming out, hopefully all of which will be discussed in the upcoming public meeting.

For one, I’m not sure why anyone is wasting time on these after the fact costs analysis because it is clear Broussard, Wilkinson and Whitmer were lying through their teeth about the “savings” when this contract was  bum rushed through as it is clear no cost projections or other financial analysis was ever performed.

Document 104 has some good stuff, including Team Waste Management wanting to amend their counter-claim to include new allegations that have come to light after certain depositions were taken. Team Waste Management explains:

The initial discovery and depositions in this case took place only months ago, in November and December, 2010, when Waste Management took the depositions of three high ranking officials employed by Plaintiffs, namely, Margaret Winter, Director of the Continue reading “Waste Management drops another Nuke, exposes more information on the shithouse way the River Birch contract was let.”

How about of video of Marnie Winter's "explanation" of the background check done by the Parish on MSW Resources and its owner Bryan Griesbach. Plus allow me to introduce the Wino to the Slabbed Nation

Marnie Winter oversees Environmental Affairs for the Parish and was part of the evaluation team on the River Birch contract. Skip to the 4:00 in the video and see if councilman John Young gets any sort of straight from Marnie before Theriot jumps in. I again note how Waste Management is the boogie man in the room, not River Birch which is rumored to be owned by several area politicians. In this strange world it is not a conflict for Bryan to have paid to play with the Parish when he was overseeing IESI’s business dealings.


Of course we now know all about Bryan Griesbach and the local rats that associated with his former employer. This brings us back to the person that ends up with egg on their face Miss Marnie Winter. Unslabbed described Winter this way: Continue reading “How about of video of Marnie Winter's "explanation" of the background check done by the Parish on MSW Resources and its owner Bryan Griesbach. Plus allow me to introduce the Wino to the Slabbed Nation”

Anne Marie Vandenweghe speaks out part deux: Public records requests contain disparities.

Stay tuned to Fox 8 for the latest developments on the Tuesday Night Massacre as Val Bracy evidently taped an extensive interview with Ms Vandenweghe,the second part of which aired at 5pm today. While there is no video up yet on the story we do have Val’s print report from which we glean a few more nuggets including a bomb shell regarding discrepancies in responses to public records requests involving the River Birch landfill:

“In August of last year we received requests from a law firm in Baton Rouge for copies of the River Birch contract. The initial response to the individual’s public records response was in August or September. In, I believe November when the grand jury subpoena for the River Birch information came in I received a totally different response from the same people. The signature pages were not the same and what I turned over to the grand jury were four different signature pages,” said Vandenweghe.

I’m not certain if Theriot’s remarks for today’s story were in the can or new but of I had to guess, given his quotes from Friday’s report I bet they are new and Mr Parish President is feeling a bit less secure concerning the “proof” of her playing on the computer. If I may be so bold, I’ll add that I think Mr Theriot is still trying to dig dirt on Ms Vandenweghe so that he can make the firing stick. IMHO Mr Theriot has been a very naughty boy who has been caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar.

Speaking of public records, I have a document from the Parish regarding River Birch, specifically the tabulation workpapers used by the Wilkinson and friends to give Ward and company the exclusive courtesy of a reader and Scribd. A bit of background: Continue reading “Anne Marie Vandenweghe speaks out part deux: Public records requests contain disparities.”