Fallout from Leonard and Tuepker Continues in an Unlikely Place

As the months here on Slabbed slip away I am sometimes reminded of Yogi Berra and his famous quote, “It’s like déjà vu all over again”. For instance Nowdy’s excellent post this morning on Perrien in Louisiana was the product of internal discussion last night, a case I wrote and evidently promptly forgot about.  Luckily one … Continue reading “Fallout from Leonard and Tuepker Continues in an Unlikely Place”

Sunday Open

Local: Critics take complaints over city clerk’s raise to Waveland aldermen ~ Geoff Belcher Bay harbor commissioner resigns ~ Dwayne Bremer Sports: GOOOO’WOOD MORNING #SAINTS FAAAANS! #SUEDAT SAY DEY GONNA OWN DEM @SAINTS? — Editilla the Pun (@Editilla) January 24, 2015 Rita Benson Leblanc??? Tom Benson has long harbored doubts about heir apparent Rita, friends … Continue reading “Sunday Open”

A Cornerstone of the Singing River Financial Disaster: Management perpetrates an accounting fraud

And folks that has been the 500 pound gorilla in the room that most informed observers see but for which there has been no media reporting. Today that changes and to set things up we need to hop into the Wayback machine and set the dial for March 3, 2014: Singing River Health System likely … Continue reading “A Cornerstone of the Singing River Financial Disaster: Management perpetrates an accounting fraud”

Scott Walker plea: Additional Indictments possible

I’ll believe it when I see it Ladies and Gents. Meantime I could not make it to Hattiesburg yesterday so I have no analysis to offer beyond that already in the media so here are the salient links: Plea accepted: Scott Walker pleads guilty to conspiracy, fraud ~ Anita Lee Anita solves the Matt mystery … Continue reading “Scott Walker plea: Additional Indictments possible”

I thought Halloween was last week…..

Just when you thought the news cycle had gotten too quiet: Perricone turns the page, pens New Orleans novel ~ WDSU via Editilla Nowdy sends the following with a note that ol’ Doug knew something very few other folks in MIssissippi did but I’m invoking Rule 301. 😉 School Board member: Hank Bounds can ‘sell … Continue reading “I thought Halloween was last week…..”

Slabbed takes the “Ignatius challenge” and writes one wayyyyy to the inside.

Comment from V, an US citizen whose privacy was invaded by Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret of Trout Point Lodge in their SLAPP suit against Fox 8.  This comment certainly earned the ire of Team Goatherder and it is apparent from V’s tone he was well aware of the threats that were being passed about regarding … Continue reading “Slabbed takes the “Ignatius challenge” and writes one wayyyyy to the inside.”

Insurance Omnibus: Rigsby, Rossie and RE plus Pols on the take and Mississippians sold out by Team Phildo

A bit over a week ago a print journalist familiar with Slabbed’s coverage of the post Katrina insurance wars sent me this link to a National Underwriter top 10 insurance living legends piece that featured Dickie Scruggs (one notch above true living legend Karen Clark) at the 7 spot.  We used to feature the NU a good bit on Slabbed but that … Continue reading “Insurance Omnibus: Rigsby, Rossie and RE plus Pols on the take and Mississippians sold out by Team Phildo”

The Danziger Bridge trial kicks into high gear. Robert Faulcon, Robert Gisevius, Kenneth Bowen, Anthony Villavaso and Arthur Kaufman, you guys are so f*cked….

I haven’t written anything about the post Katrina Danziger Bridge shootings this year though I have been following the proceedings in the local media the past few weeks.  The Times Picayune has the crime team on the story with extensive coverage including yesterday’s testimony from Leonard Bartholomew IV, at the time a 14 year old kid that watched … Continue reading “The Danziger Bridge trial kicks into high gear. Robert Faulcon, Robert Gisevius, Kenneth Bowen, Anthony Villavaso and Arthur Kaufman, you guys are so f*cked….”

Anita Lee profiles Judge L. T. Senter on the day of his retirement.

I’ll never forget the first time we met with policyholder lawyers after Nowdy and I established Slabbed. One of the things that made that first meet and greet fun for me was the fact the gang of Louisiana based lawyers looked over the state line into Mississippi with a bit of envy for their counterparts here on the coast. It … Continue reading “Anita Lee profiles Judge L. T. Senter on the day of his retirement.”