Lets talk a bit more about the Fox 8 settlement with the Goatherders: Possible reasons for the sudden settlement

Folks having read the Goatherders press release online about the “victory” over Fox 8, and especially after their Nova Scotia court “victory”, soon to be Pyrrhic over Slabbed, many people are wondering why Vaughn Perret, Charles Leary and Trout Point Lodge Ltd. would settle with Fox 8 for NOT ONE THIN DIME? Here’s what Slabbed knows plus … Continue reading “Lets talk a bit more about the Fox 8 settlement with the Goatherders: Possible reasons for the sudden settlement”

It’s Mardi Gras! Time to let loose with a few blasts from the past.

For those of you that missed out earlier. All from the Goatherders v Fox 8 case in Nova Scotia. Click to get the associated PDF file. Happy Mardi Gras ~ sop Letter from Broussard’s agent Roy D’Aquila to Leary and Perret. Affidavit of Danny Abel.

The problem with the media coverage of Tourism Libelists Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret in Canada is it is built upon a foundation of straw.

Folks I warned Toronto Star reporter Richard J. Brennan this story was far more complicated and nuanced than he was lead to believe and I encouraged him to contact media outlets and the local authorities before wielding the hatchet to us.  Unfortunately he had his mind made up when he called me how he was … Continue reading “The problem with the media coverage of Tourism Libelists Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret in Canada is it is built upon a foundation of straw.”

Aaron the peeps have been telling tales on you…….

I wonder if there was any piece of Parish business you didn’t try to scam dude. Your daughter in law is being squeezed by Team Fed and others have been implicated. It is a story of graft that will mesmerize the entire Slabbed Nation. With that said, those that followed my twitter timeline know I spent … Continue reading “Aaron the peeps have been telling tales on you…….”

Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 2: You own 100% of 2% of nothing.

In part 1 of this series I covered the genesis of Trout Point development and the associated fleecing of the ACOA by our three amigos Danny Abel, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary. The fallout was slow in developing though as certain employees at the ACOA that were involved with the La Farme D’Acadie disaster actually died in the interim and the ACOA was not … Continue reading “Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 2: You own 100% of 2% of nothing.”

Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 1: In the deep south ‘reality’ is often a simple illusion.

And so it is in Canada too folks. These past 2 weeks on Slabbed have been nothing short of extraordinary as the allegations of wrongdoing on part of former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard, who resigned in disgrace the day after he was interviewed by then Fox 8 reporter Val Bracy have snowballed with Karen Parker and … Continue reading “Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 1: In the deep south ‘reality’ is often a simple illusion.”

I reckon its all in how you look at it……

In these past 6 weeks we’ve seen the heavily laden freight train finally leave the station and as that baby builds up speed it also builds up what an old stock basher like me would call “Mo”. In the financial markets the Mo is self sustaining to a point and the same is true in criminal investigations such as … Continue reading “I reckon its all in how you look at it……”

Sop gets a cyber first: Behavioral finance/economics intersects with Slabbed. An Aaron Broussard/Trout Point Lodge Update.

Some of my better received work here on Slabbed deals with the topic of behavioral finance/economics.  That said when my curiosity compelled me to enter the laboratory I invariably would go to the Yahoo Finance Boards and issues like Allstate or the pump and dump de jour such as XING. Cerro Coyote has changed that folks and I want … Continue reading “Sop gets a cyber first: Behavioral finance/economics intersects with Slabbed. An Aaron Broussard/Trout Point Lodge Update.”

If you were sold a stake in either La Ferme D’Acadie or Cerro Coyote Slabbed wants to hear from you!

My archival post regarding the Cerro Coyote hotel in Costa Rica has generated more leads folks as more local investors in the project that had no clue Abel, Leary and Perret sold the hotel and whom received not a penny back on their investment have sent me bat signals and that does not count the inquiries from … Continue reading “If you were sold a stake in either La Ferme D’Acadie or Cerro Coyote Slabbed wants to hear from you!”

Aaron Brousard does the pro se thing and makes a foole’ of himself

I’ve said a couple of times on these pages that the quality of the lawyering in the Katrina cases handled by Aaron Broussard and his legal sidekicks such as Trout Point Lodge owner Danny Abel was very suspect.  I illustrated it in Eric Paulsen’s case against State Farm where Paulsen was zeroed due to shit … Continue reading “Aaron Brousard does the pro se thing and makes a foole’ of himself”