Self control was never one of Aaron Broussard’s strong points

Go ahead, make my day Attorney for the former Goatherder in chief, Robert Jenkins amuses with his latest installment of Goats on a rope but before we get to that lets set the atmosphere in the spirit of the season with the following reader suggested video from the good people at Giggle with the goats: … Continue reading “Self control was never one of Aaron Broussard’s strong points”

Wash, rinse, repeat: Aaron Broussard’s former property managers in Canada again sue Slabbed for defamation in Nova Scotia

Alternate Post Title: When the FBI comes knocking you know Slabbed’s House be rockin’!! Last month I attended a settlement conference in Magistrate Roper’s chambers at the US District Courthouse in Gulfport. Typically all the parties to the litigation must attend settlement conferences but the court excused Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret from attending due … Continue reading “Wash, rinse, repeat: Aaron Broussard’s former property managers in Canada again sue Slabbed for defamation in Nova Scotia”

Trout Point Lodge, Cerro Coyote, Aaron Broussard and others named as co-conspirators/defendants in federal racketeering suit.

For true folks they are so named as the Concrete Busters lawsuit has been removed from the Orleans Parish CDC to the US District Court in New Orleans.  My perusal of the docket indicates this case is filed under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act as it looks to me like certain Goatherders are … Continue reading “Trout Point Lodge, Cerro Coyote, Aaron Broussard and others named as co-conspirators/defendants in federal racketeering suit.”

Before the implosion of the Broussard Administration: One small detail

Broussard’s annual Wedding Crashers party was held December 5, 2009 at the Beach House.  A sharp-eyed reader indicated that establishment was located behind and across the street from the now fabled Super 8 Motel on Clearview Parkway. Leaving nothing to chance I ran the address through the tax assessor’s database and lookie what I found. It appears only schmucks pay property … Continue reading “Before the implosion of the Broussard Administration: One small detail”

The last issue of the old Times Picayune: Aaron Broussard excoriated on the editorial page.

Times Picayune pundit Jarvis DeBerry normally writes on issues we do not cover on Slabbed but I read just about everything he writes in his columns.  That said Jarvis has been burdened with a secret since just before Hurricane Katrina concerning the former Goatherder-in-Chief and he let it all out yesterday and then some.  He conveys a simple … Continue reading “The last issue of the old Times Picayune: Aaron Broussard excoriated on the editorial page.”

Jefferson Parish Corruption Omnibus: Today Aaron Broussard put his hand on a bible and admitted he is a filthy sack of crap

For true folks he did as Drew Broach reports for NOLA media group on the former Goatherder in chief’s appearance today before Judge Head. We await the factual basis. Worth noting in Broach’s report is this tidbit that is well worth repeating now: Besides Broussard and his attorney, Robert Jenkins, U.S. Attorney Jim Letten and Metropolitan Crime Commission … Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Corruption Omnibus: Today Aaron Broussard put his hand on a bible and admitted he is a filthy sack of crap”