It’s Mardi Gras! Time to let loose with a few blasts from the past.

For those of you that missed out earlier. All from the Goatherders v Fox 8 case in Nova Scotia. Click to get the associated PDF file. Happy Mardi Gras ~ sop Letter from Broussard’s agent Roy D’Aquila to Leary and Perret. Affidavit of Danny Abel.

Why would the Plaintiffs be interested in the Jacqueline Patterson Edwards RICO case????

Slabbed lifers well remember the Jacqueline Patterson Edwards RICO case against former St John the Baptist Parish Prez turned convict Bill Hubbard. For those that don’t, for right now we’ll use the google cache to highlight that old Slabbed post here is the old post on the topic because Edwards also sued Jefferson Parish, Aaron Broussard, Tim … Continue reading “Why would the Plaintiffs be interested in the Jacqueline Patterson Edwards RICO case????”

Poor Roy D’Aquila got butterflies on his tummy tum tum when he saw Val Bracy’s reports on the Trout Point Development

And I verily bet poor ol’ Roy crapped his pants when he saw the other media reports on the Broussard curatorships considering he was telling Charlie and Vaughn, on Broussard’s behalf, to put Riverbend on the Lodge’s main insurance policy. Of course you say that and they will sue. And this fixation they have with Anne Marie Vandenweghe is unhealthy IMHO.  … Continue reading “Poor Roy D’Aquila got butterflies on his tummy tum tum when he saw Val Bracy’s reports on the Trout Point Development”