Let’s lighten up – Here’s State Farm’s proposed Juror Questionnaire to tickle your funny bone (a Rigsby qui tam update)

It will take me all weekend to do an update on the three Katrina qui tam cases – ex rel Rigsby v State Farm, ex rel Denenea v Allstate, and ex rel Branch Consultants v Allstate et al – but  with so much serious discussion taking place on SLABBED, I thought it was time to … Continue reading “Let’s lighten up – Here’s State Farm’s proposed Juror Questionnaire to tickle your funny bone (a Rigsby qui tam update)”

about the question Judge Senter popped – a Rigsby qui tam update

As last night’s Breaking News reported, Judge Senter has popped the big question:  should “the scope of…[the Rigsby qui tam]… litigation…be expanded to include evidence concerning properties other than the McIntosh residence? Some were expecting Senter to consider the question after Judge Vance rocked on Rockwell in her Order expanding the scope of discovery in … Continue reading “about the question Judge Senter popped – a Rigsby qui tam update”

Evidence of bad faith is not a trade secret or highly confidential as Slabbed welcomes back the insurance bastards from Liberty Mutual.

Folks we have proof positive that alittle Slabbin’ coupled with sunshine makes a difference as yesterday, Liberty Mutual filed a motion to seal the evidence that we presented Monday regarding a policyholder in New Orleans that Liberty Mutual had arrested simply because the policyholder dared to filed a claim for the wind damage that Liberty Mutual promised to cover in their homeowners policy … Continue reading “Evidence of bad faith is not a trade secret or highly confidential as Slabbed welcomes back the insurance bastards from Liberty Mutual.”

Analysis | Definitive Account: “Supervisors finalize their end of new HCLS library agreement”

Dwayne Bremer was at Hancock Board of Sups meeting, which was dominated by Hancock County Library system Executive Director Courtney Thomas raising a ruckus over the proposed new inter-local agreement because it gives the County, the system’s largest financial contributor by far, a majority of the new Library Board seats. Ms. Thomas currently has a … Continue reading “Analysis | Definitive Account: “Supervisors finalize their end of new HCLS library agreement””

“Well , here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into” Les: Singleton out at BWSD

I personally find the Hancock County Alliance for Good Government a much more authoritative resource…. AG says Bay must appoint new school board trustee ~ Dwayne Bremer The Mississippi Attorney General’s Office has ruled that a 180-day grace period for reappointing officials does not apply to school boards. Ya think? So why didn’t the Mayor … Continue reading ““Well , here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into” Les: Singleton out at BWSD”

Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Congress

Thursday, June 20th, 2013 Baton Rouge, Louisiana CONGRESS — THE REAL CULPRIT IN SECURITY LEAK PROBE! In the 2014 congressional elections, one major issue should be front and center: Incumbents are failing to do their job. We send them to Washington to oversee this massive federal bureaucracy, and to ensure that it is being run … Continue reading “Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Congress”

From the reader email bag: A request for perspective.

Q. Many of your and nola.com readers are exercised about the relatively light punishments coming up for Broussard, Wilkinson, and Whitmer (BWW), but these readers seem to believe either that these are the targets or that they are stepping stones to the final targets, Heebe and Ward. Do you think these are really the targets? … Continue reading “From the reader email bag: A request for perspective.”

Roof Surfing – Sop survives Katrina

Note: This post was scheduled to run on August 29, 2012. It was postponed due to Hurricane Isaac. By: Sop81_1 Edited: Nowdoucit From the original Slabbed website at WordPress.com We lived close to the beach in West Gulfport, Mississippi in our dream home. This is the story of how we survived Hurricane Katrina and its … Continue reading “Roof Surfing – Sop survives Katrina”

Insurance Omnibus: Rigsby, Rossie and RE plus Pols on the take and Mississippians sold out by Team Phildo

A bit over a week ago a print journalist familiar with Slabbed’s coverage of the post Katrina insurance wars sent me this link to a National Underwriter top 10 insurance living legends piece that featured Dickie Scruggs (one notch above true living legend Karen Clark) at the 7 spot.  We used to feature the NU a good bit on Slabbed but that … Continue reading “Insurance Omnibus: Rigsby, Rossie and RE plus Pols on the take and Mississippians sold out by Team Phildo”