Support for Rigsby qui tam found hanging on the Branch qui tam docket

Since claims brought under the FCA are not contract-based claims or dependent upon the degree of negligence involved, the claims are unimpaired by contractual limitations on liability. We missed it or did until today when I went to the Branch docket for an update and found a Statement of Interest in Opposition to Defendant State … Continue reading “Support for Rigsby qui tam found hanging on the Branch qui tam docket”

that special relationship of trust and a deep sense of betrayal

Insurance is a very special product. You pay and you pay and you pay premium dollars, often for your entire life. In return you only get a promise. A promise that if you ultimately have a covered claim, and you’re paid up, they must pay that claim. The problem is that they must have that … Continue reading “that special relationship of trust and a deep sense of betrayal”

Rigsby qui tam file updated with recent Response and Exhibits

If you read Locked and loaded with State Farm in crosshairs, Rigsbys plan to remove Renfroe before pulling the trigger, you’ve been waiting for me to update the Rigsby qui tam file under Legal in the left side bar. It’s done and the Branch qui tam has been moved to a separate file to make … Continue reading “Rigsby qui tam file updated with recent Response and Exhibits”

Responding to Extraordinary Loss – Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with, and then the different branches of arithmetic — Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision.

It would be so nice if something made sense for a change. Was there any other way to do the arithmetic?  Expedited Claim Handling Process Would that have included litigation cases from cat losses in “2005” not signed, settled and sealed until 2008? Delay, Deny and Deceive shows up on your balance sheets sooner or … Continue reading “Responding to Extraordinary Loss – Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with, and then the different branches of arithmetic — Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision.”

Allan Kanner can just evermore kiss my *** ex rel

The 5th Circuit has released its long awaited Opinion on the Appeal of the Katrina Qui Tam claim filed by a group of public adjusters as the Branch Consultants – an Opinion that references this year’s award-winning snark – and the Big Sleazy in the Big Easy Award goes to… Here, Sop, hold the envelope … Continue reading “Allan Kanner can just evermore kiss my *** ex rel”

"I decided law was the exact opposite of sex; even when it was good, it was lousy

My mother’s daughter and children’s mother dreamed of the day she’d become a lawyer; and, believe it or not she almost made it; and, of course, that she is me – a much younger version, but me. The same me that prepared for the LSAT the way she does for other important events. I shopped. … Continue reading “"I decided law was the exact opposite of sex; even when it was good, it was lousy”

Mississippi Rigsby & Louisiana Branch: Dueling Qui Tam?

Rebecca Mowbray and Anita Lee have done wonderful jobs covering insurance issues in New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Our new readers may be interested to know that Ms Mowbray has recently won a prestigious business journalism award for her story “Same house. Same repairs. Same insurer. Why different prices?”. Not to be out done … Continue reading “Mississippi Rigsby & Louisiana Branch: Dueling Qui Tam?”

Slabbed gets pictures plus other goodies

I’d like to acknowledge the recent care packages that I’ve received and thank those of you that sent them. I thought the pictures of Billy Hewes were a hoot. On that topic I will only say that I will not be running the pictures though I do appreciate the nice person spending the time to … Continue reading “Slabbed gets pictures plus other goodies”

People across the State of Louisiana are getting hip to the Buddy system……

Well “tickle my ass with a feather” if Hammerman didn’t put the hammer down on Buddy Caldwell and the apparently illegal contracts he let to his political supporters like Allan “Show me the money” Kanner, who is evidently is sleeping while on tower in Judge Barbier’s courtroom. None of this is a particularly new topic for us … Continue reading “People across the State of Louisiana are getting hip to the Buddy system……”

The Buddy System: GlaxoSmithKline sues Buddy Caldwell

This suit derives from GlaxoSmithKline’s unsafe drug Avandia, which is now the subject of litigation across the country. Glaxo’s suit is going after the team of private lawyers Caldwell hired to pursue the case, all major political cronies of his.  Joe Gyan has all the skinny for the Advocate for today is evidently insurance litigation reunion day … Continue reading “The Buddy System: GlaxoSmithKline sues Buddy Caldwell”