Sop again reports on the now dismissed Ex Rel Branch case, stock basher style.

Here is a nugget for you team insurance freaks. There is talk that Team Branch may appeal Judge Vance’s latest ruling as rumors of a malpractice suit swirl around Allan Kanner, the “Show me the money” man whose balls Judge Vance busted earlier this week.  Nowdy assures me that Judge Vance has a few flaws in her … Continue reading “Sop again reports on the now dismissed Ex Rel Branch case, stock basher style.”

Sop again reports on Ex Rel Branch, stock basher style…

Ladies and Gentlemen: Judge Sarah Vance has busted Allen Kanner’s balls badly as Ex Rel Branch has been dismissed. Nowdy will have the particulars with respect to the insurers named, Allstate in particular. The  Travelers and the insurance bastards at Liberty Mutual skate unscathed. sop

The Press Register Picks up Coverage of Ex Rel Branch: Slabbed gets a link

Kudos and props to Nowdy as all that time and hard work she put in reorganizing our legal pages has been recognized in the media.  Jeff Amy has the story for the Mobile Press Register: Pilot Catastrophe Services Inc. has been dismissed from a federal lawsuit in New Orleans that claims insurers overbilled the National Flood … Continue reading “The Press Register Picks up Coverage of Ex Rel Branch: Slabbed gets a link”

Randy Maniloff checks in with a good analysis of the recent 5th Circuit decision in Ex Rel Branch

Randy Maniloff is a very familiar name to us at Slabbed as we’ve seen him used by reporters like Rebecca Mowbray at the Times Picayune as a source for business community legal reaction when she reports on Katrina policyholder cases. I’ve found Randy’s legal analysis (as reported) to be rigorous even in cases where we might not see things quite … Continue reading “Randy Maniloff checks in with a good analysis of the recent 5th Circuit decision in Ex Rel Branch”

Please release me, let me go Protection in Branch qui tam in the context of Judge Vance’s post-trial Order in Weiss v Allstate

Branch is rockin’ and rollin’ over Protective Orders!  Chain of fools was the opening act for please release me, let me go Elvis-impersonating Allstate’s attempt to place trial exhibits under seal in Weiss v Allstate.  Judge Vance’s post-trial Order in Weiss provides context for an examination of the protective motions and orders in Branch: To … Continue reading “Please release me, let me go Protection in Branch qui tam in the context of Judge Vance’s post-trial Order in Weiss v Allstate”

Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 3

Part 2 of this series ended with the allegations contained in the Concrete Busters lawsuit that Fred Heebe, along with several co-conspirators has been waging a coordinated campaign to unmask and otherwise harass internet commenters sharing information on the political scandal in Jefferson Parish.  I’ve always pointed to the first post I did on Aaron … Continue reading “Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 3”

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap: Slabbed explores the genesis of the Trout Point Development and certain land sales to Aaron Broussard and his cronies.

July 22, 2001 Sunday Nova Scotia Nirvana; Trout Point Lodge is rich in Louisiana roots, an hour from the Evangeline Trail, co-owned by New Orleanians who used to make cheese at the north shore’s Chicory Farm. But it’s decidedly Canadian, an unparalleled wilderness experience in the lap of luxury.BYLINE: By Millie Ball; Travel editor SECTION: … Continue reading “Dirty deeds done dirt cheap: Slabbed explores the genesis of the Trout Point Development and certain land sales to Aaron Broussard and his cronies.”

Tangling over Branch – a Rigsby qui tam update

In late January, SLABBED reported Double Vision – Rigsbys and State Farm each file Notices citing Branch as “Intervening Authority”. Not content to let the two positions stand, a week later State Farm filed a Motion for Leave to Submit Supplemental Memorandum on three motions – the Rigsbys’ Motion for Reconsideration of Scope of Proceedings, State … Continue reading “Tangling over Branch – a Rigsby qui tam update”

Double Vision – Rigsbys and State Farm each file Notices citing Branch as “Intervening Authority”

So much for my thinking the next item listed on the Rigsby qui tam docket would be one of the two remaining motions argued at the recent Status Hearing.  State Farm filed its first Notice of Intervening Authority before the ink was dry on Judge Vance’s order dismissing the Branch qui tam case; and, when … Continue reading “Double Vision – Rigsbys and State Farm each file Notices citing Branch as “Intervening Authority””

Judge Vance dismisses Branch qui tam – but leaves Allstate a “sitting duck” in the Rigsbys’ pond!

JUDGMENT: ORDERED that Branch’s claims against Allstate are DISMISSED W/OUT PREJ on first-to-file grounds. FURTHER ORDERED that Branch’s claims against American Reliable, Standard Fire, Colonial, Liberty Mutual, SIMSOL, ANPAC, Fidelity, and Pilot are DISMISSED WITH PREJ because Branch is not an original source of those claims, a determination that is intertwined with the merits and … Continue reading “Judge Vance dismisses Branch qui tam – but leaves Allstate a “sitting duck” in the Rigsbys’ pond!”