Above the Law picks up on the doughnut glaze problem over at Judy Barrasso’s place. Duncan scrubbed at Flanagan?

Normally one post on Keith Magness shooting spree on company time would be my limit but Above the Law picked up on this case and put a pdf of the “that ain’t doughnut glaze on my dress!” lawsuit online. Interest in what Magness did during his free time at Judy Barrasso’s place has been very … Continue reading “Above the Law picks up on the doughnut glaze problem over at Judy Barrasso’s place. Duncan scrubbed at Flanagan?”

Former Barrasso firm associate Keith Magness terminated for workin’ harder but not smarter…..

I must have been on assignment on the Goat roast beat when this story broke but it has since gone viral (for good reason) as it appears Judy Barrasso had a perv on the firm payroll. We well know Judy here on Slabbed as an Ed Liddy/Tom Wilson shoe shine girl as her firm counts … Continue reading “Former Barrasso firm associate Keith Magness terminated for workin’ harder but not smarter…..”

From the reader mailbag: What is Slabbed.Org?

Actually, it from a newbie Google search string from here on the Coast  rather than actual reader mail. I can answer that question, well kinda anyway. First off Slabbed.Org occasionally reports a story and in the process becomes your worst nightmare. (you guys know who you are) That said my purpose is to accurately tell whatever … Continue reading “From the reader mailbag: What is Slabbed.Org?”

Top 5 at 5

1. The Tranny and NOLA Mystery John JD 2. Who dat Judge Martin Feldman dabbles in oil ~ Nowdoucit 3. Keith Magness skeets! 4. Not what you see but what you don’t….the post Katrina coast ~Nowdoucit 5. People can’t get enough of Magnum Honorable Mention:

The case of the skeeting lawyer ends prematurely as Magness cops a plea

As John Simerman explains in comments to his piece on the case of doughnut glazed dress over at Judy Barrasso’s shop, the Louisiana Legislature needs to get on the stick to tweak and massage that section of the Louisiana criminal code dealing with public sex acts. In event the sticky wicket Keith Magness found himself … Continue reading “The case of the skeeting lawyer ends prematurely as Magness cops a plea”

While Slabbed continues to work the mystery of the Tranny and NOLA JD Mystery John…..

It seemed like it was yesterday we covered the case of the skeeting lawyer over at Judy Barrasso’s place. And then of course there is the Hulk Hogan sex tape with accompanying controversy involving Bubba the Love Sponge. Hogan joins an elite fraternity of former professional wrestlers that went into porn after retiring from the … Continue reading “While Slabbed continues to work the mystery of the Tranny and NOLA JD Mystery John…..”

Slabbed is on it like white on Rice: Why does Entergy have a political hack as its NOLA CEO. A systems failure update.

I know that those of you still without power and those of you who endured the sweltering heat for many days are rightfully upset with how long it has taken Entergy Louisiana to restore power to our residents and businesses. I want you to know that while progress is being made, I will not rest until … Continue reading “Slabbed is on it like white on Rice: Why does Entergy have a political hack as its NOLA CEO. A systems failure update.”

Coverage on the come? USAA denies coverage in the case of the doughnut glazed dress

After all folks, had they sent an adjuster to Judy Barrasso’s place, such certainly would have surfaced on finer claims adjusting blogs like our friend Deb over at Dimechimes Claims Mentor.  I’ll add we’ve retained a good number of our old insurance industry based readers including Claims Guy, who no longer comments in favor of … Continue reading “Coverage on the come? USAA denies coverage in the case of the doughnut glazed dress”

In our continuing episode of Magnum J.D. Baldwin v Costner Day 2: There’s no business like show business…..

Today I’ll highlight some of the main stream media reporting on the trial and I am going to draw a sharp line and differentiate the reporting. First up though we need to examine what got everyone into Judge Feldman’s courtroom, one that is very plaintiff unfriendly if said plaintiff is an individual suing an insurance … Continue reading “In our continuing episode of Magnum J.D. Baldwin v Costner Day 2: There’s no business like show business…..”