4 thoughts on “Oh Lord this is too rich……………………”

  1. Hear say? This certain person up for execution by request of Hood for killing family members was and is said to have been lead plaintiff in a chemical cause before the court in Marion county. RICO PLANT. Is Jim Hood trying to clean up before his ass is ejected? Take it from me my brothers and sisters the game play by these self serving AH’s are real for the victims. My guess, they played this family into the ground for their court awards. Like homie I ain’t play that shit. Love mines and their no better.

    I do know that after his arrest the case settled and the remaining two family members got $1000 each. Now hows that for a just-us system of HS.

    Oh Lord, please forgive our short comings that we my draw closer to you. Amen!

  2. Patricia thanks for the intimate picture of Council at Large Robert’s throne he sits upon to check his campaign contributions in the A.M.. I’m sure Sissy has written off the toilet price as a qualifying election/campaign expense. Sissy better check his campaign fund donation figures reported to the Ethics site against those being reported by the contributing contractors to the monthly council meetings because there seems to be some discrepancies arising. You too Mr. ‘ baloney boy’ Lagasse

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