12 thoughts on “Sunday Music: "And he said yeah and I said Oh Yeah!"”

  1. Just passing down St. Charles today I saw a big (huge, really, truly meant to capture the eye) beautiful sign on the neutral ground with a large cursive “Thank You!” to Heebe-Sneedie and others for their awesome contributions to the public weal. The Machine indeed. The pr pustch continues.

  2. I am convinced Tele that the Stockholm Syndrome will continue to flourish in the New Orleans Metro area until some indictments come down and the Sheeple believe someone has come to save them. Until then the hostages will continue to thank their captors.

  3. Factoid du jour:

    All from the 1937 Tulane Law Schoold class:

    James Coleman Sr.

    Moise Steeg

    Bernhardt Heebe

    Ashton Phelps Sr.

    Bernard Mintz

    Edward B. Poitevent

    Hale Boggs

    “””””For all the achievements of the Class of

  4. Huey’s destruction?!! Oh puhleeze.
    Seymour Weiss and Huey Long were head and shoulders above these miscreants and their progeny! Earl was too intellectual. LOL. And never forget the stripper.
    The names may change but the games remain the same.

  5. There was one other name of familiar sounding note in that class, Samuel Rosenberg.

    Charles Odom, Sr. was actually JP coroner for 32 years, 1955-1987, the longest serving ever. I was told he was Orleans coroner, & that link has him as Orleans coroner, but I think he was JP coroner (unless he could have possibly been coroner in two parishes…. which I would not exclude). His son, Charles B. Odom, Jr., was coroner for Lafayette…. until he was indicted for experimenting on a baby’s corpse…. seriously. The details are grisly needless to say. Looking back at it, it looks like there was an Orleans coroner (grandfather of Charles Odom Sr., whose daughter Shirley married Heebe), a JP coroner (Charles Odom Sr.), and a Lafayette coroner (Charles Odom Jr.).

    The Grand Isle link is interesting, the rodeo goes back further than I thought, to the 1920’s. Carlos Marcello was known to have a base on the island and to this day Mamoulides is shown as an officer (with Harry Morel & Otto Candies) on an original registration (likely with amendments) dating back to 1946 per LA SOS.

    About secret societies here, yes, definitely.

    Unslabbed, the tension between Huey and old New Orleans was intense; at one point Huey had machine gun nests lined up at what is now the LA Bar Association building on Lafayette across from Mayor Walmsley’s window at Gallier Hall (then city hall). Personally I think while Long’s has passed the Maestri is legacy is indeed alive and well in both Orleans and JP. In a class full of [supposed] do-good reformers the Heebe went with the daughter of the machine politico; I think back then they were known as the Old Regulars.

    Chris Roberts’ great-grandfather, Sam Boylan, was also a long-time New Orleans assessor. Most likely also Old Regular.


    You will see some names, like Batt, Heaton, Wilty, Leander Perez, that are familiar.

    Another name on this, Hugh Wilkinson, was one of the founders of the Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo, per the first link above.

    Round, round, round, yes the waters run deep here.

  6. I am just stunned where this stuff goes sometimes…

    “”””Hardship release request denied
    —- Convicted drug trafficker Enes Joseph Parks thought he should be released early from his two-year sentence because his wife would be unable to pay the mortgage on their home.

    Parks, a one-time associate of reputed Mafia boss ********Carlos Marcello , made his plea to U.S. District Judge Frank Polozola hoping for a hardship release from jail.

    But Polozola, while expressing the “utmost sympathy” for Parks’ family, declined the request Wednesday.

    Parks, who is from Kenner, had pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute cocaine and conspiracy to import marijuana into the country. He was given two years in a plea agreement with federal prosecutors, who described him as a major drug trafficker.

    He had been arrested last October at a Baton Rouge hotel after offering land as part of a deal to purchase two kilograms of cocaine.

    Parks was also an associate of slain drug informant Adler “Barry” Seal.

    In denying the request, Polozola said that a reduction in the sentence would be inappropriate considering the seriousness of the offense.

    “Criminal conduct almost invariably causes financial problems, stress and anguish for loved ones,” Polozola wrote. “That is a regrettable but unavoidable result of the criminal activity.”

    Parks had also pointed out that his father is ill.

    After his arrest, Parks showed federal agents *********a badge identifying him as an investigator for the district attorney’s office in St. Charles Parish.

    District Attorney *************Harry Morel later said that Parks was a neighbor of his and that the badge was only “honorary, like a key to the city.” “””””””””

    9.4.86 BR Advocate.


    “”” GRAND ISLE TARPON RODEO, INC. (Changed: 11/16/1970)

    Charter Number: 01603800 N
    Registration Date: 7/22/1946
    Domicile Address
    1972 HWY E
    Mailing Address
    P. O. BOX 25
    Status: Active
    Annual Report Status: In Good Standing
    File Date: 7/22/1946
    Last Report Filed: 6/29/2010
    Type: Non-Profit Corporation

    Registered Agent(s)
    Address 1: U.S. HWY. 90
    City, State, Zip: DES ALLEMANDS, LA 70030
    Appointment Date: 7/28/1992

    Officer(s) Additional Officers: No
    Title: Secretary
    Address 1: D. A. JEFFERSON PARISH
    City, State, Zip: GRETNA, LA 70053

    Officer: HARRY MOREL
    Title: President
    Address 1: U. S. HWY. 90
    City, State, Zip: DES ALLEMANDS, LA 70030

    Officer: PAUL CANDIES
    Title: Treasurer
    Address 1: U. S. HWY 90
    City, State, Zip: DES ALLEMANDS, LA 70030

    Amendments on File (4)
    Description Date
    Amendment 3/20/1953
    Name Change 11/16/1970
    Revoked 11/16/1999
    Reinstatement 4/23/2008 “””””

  7. George T. Heebe, father of Bernhardt Heebe, was a Louisiana Legislator apx. 1930-31.


    That’s George Theobold Heebe.

    Why, here he is conveniently discussed on Page 23 of Council Chairman elect {*ack*} Chris Robert’s own West Bank Beacon, as written by the historian ex officio Frank Borne (self-appointed):


    Oh, my it turns out he was JP Assessor! Of course. He followed John Ehret [big name there].

    He lost that job to his own back-stabbing assistant…. Vernon Wilty, Sr. … whose family of course was cuckolded out of his perch when John McKeithen shockingly appointed Lawrence Chehardy the elder to the post in 1965…

    …at someone’s behest.

    “Among Heebe

  8. Wow, we really do have a form of feudalism in Jefferson Parish politics. Thanks for the history lesson.

  9. Frank Borne is Jon Gegenheimer’s #1 employee. All requests go to him and he clears them with, wait for it, Cherreen. Or so I have been told.

  10. Another factoid-tidbit, this on John Young:

    I was curious while passing through a local drinking establishment to see that Young was on the cover of the Italian-American Digest, a fine local publication put out for quite a while now by some genuinely very nice folks.


    There is an Italian-American Museum downtown and I encourage everyone to go see it if such things interest you.

    But usually their small newspaper is dedicated to all things Italian. Real Italian. So I had a big question mark when I saw Young’s mug on the front page and a large paeon taking up a wide swath extolling his glory.

    Then I came across this:


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