In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Love is in the air as Magnanimous Magnum shares romanesque romance with the public.

Chris Granger / The Times Picayune

Love is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound

And I don’t know if I’m being foolish
Don’t know if I’m being wise
But it’s something that I must believe in
And it’s there when I look in your eyes

Judy Walker gives us a tour of the Brown-Villere Mansion aka “Magnum’s Lair” for today’s Times Picayune in advance of the NOMA Volunteer Committee Home and Art Tour which features the mansion.

Now with all this talk of love, romance and Magnum, my memory banks were stirred as I remembered the last time Slabbed covered love and romance at the Brown-Villere mansion, specifically the pool area, as love is evidently in the air all over the grounds.

Of course the Chris Granger photo gallery is a must see and even includes a picture of Magnum’s Marie Antoinette bedroom set which likely got quite the workout not that long ago.

Y’all cum see now hear?


18 thoughts on “In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Love is in the air as Magnanimous Magnum shares romanesque romance with the public.”

  1. Is this SUPPOSED to be a joke?
    What “Look” is he going for with this expression?
    “I want to do your dog.”
    The “mansion” is a disgusting display of overstatement & self-aggrandizement.
    ALL MONEY & NO CLASS, but thanks for the LAUGH!

  2. As usual, Magnum can’t keep his lies straight, but he sure seems to lie with impunity. In this article Magnum claims to have been born in Brooklyn. In other articles and bios, he claims to have been born in Daytona, which is why mommy says he loves fast cars so much. I declare that I am the first “birther” regarding Magnum, and I must see a certified copy of his birth certificate.

  3. Patricia, this….

    … is a real indicator taht the TP has actually ramped up its filtering and content blocking, and in fact it looks like the TP now has a mod monkey sitting right on top of the keyboard blocking unhappy thoughts as they come in like Jean-Sebeastien Giguere in a Stanley Cup final.

    1. Hey Tele, for the first time ever I attempted to leave a comment on the Picayune on Ms Walker’s story where I politely pointed out Mags duped her on where he was born (and the fact he is a Yankee fan). According to the rumor mill baby Bro is in stitches over this last bit of idiocy from his blinded-by-greed brother.

      The censorship speaks volumes.


  4. Patricia I think a meet and greet of all the Slabbed regulars is in order including Curious George and Nowdy. Stay tuned via email.


  5. OOOOOoooowwwweeeeeeee Thanks for the musical tribute Patricia but I’ve been undercover for the last several months on assignment. Tele, you owe me some big bananas for blowing my cover! You see I was actually working undercover at the T/P Intelligence Desk censoring the NOLA posts for the rich and famous UNTIL you, super detective Tele, leaked out the fact that a monkey was doing it. The internal officers then netted me, took me into a dark room, water boarded me and when I confessed and the T/P found I was a double agent they made me do a security pledge or they would kill Unc’. It was a very goooood assignment while it lasted. I found out about all the people they are protecting and the reasons for doing so. Ate some big bananas, freshly picked and not gassed Chiquitas flown in from Guatemala, all paid by the T/P for my ‘ unhappy thoughts’ censoring. Also got to meet all the lovelies at the T/P. Even got the autograph of Gracie on a Chiquita peel for elderly Unc’, who for various censored geriatric reasons says he would love to see her on Mag’s exotic stripper pole. Well, I am now somewhere in a Guatemala jungle dropped off via a T/P parachute kinda’ like the feds did to Marcello in the 60’s. I’m presently at a Wi-fi banana daiquiri bar hoping to obtain a GPS to get back home to the jungle in back of the Jefferson Non-Performing Arts Center. Tell Unc’ not to worry I still have Gracie’s autograph. OOOOOOooooowwweeeeee

  6. Hey, George, muchas apologias! Who am I to come between a man… er – monkey – and his nanas?

    Not I!

    Get back to work, gotta keep the proles voting (or not voting)!!!!

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