9 thoughts on “BREAKING: Oxpatch law blogger Tom Freeland guilty as charged.”

  1. Well, what we don't have are Judge Little's "findings" on-the-record (does Mississippi law require him to issue detailed findings if requested?). We also have no explanation for the bruises on Ms. White's body, apparently documented by photographs. Were the bruises "self-inflicted" in order to "frame" poor innocent Mr. Freeland? Were the bruises inflicted on Ms. White by her husband or by some other male in the neighborhood, the milkman or postman, for instance. But what we DO have is an admission by Freeland that, when he admittedly went to M. White's house that fateful night, there was some "hugging" and even some "kissing", which he said was consentual, and for which he later apologized to his own wife (there's nothing in the record about Freeland apologizing to Ms. White for anything). BUT JUDGE LITTLE DIDN'T BUY IT. Consentual hugging and kissing, indeed: GUILTY AS CHARGED. Ashton O'Dwyer.

  2. Could somebody explain to me why the husband's attorney kept jumping up yelling about spousal immunity? There is no spousal immunity in this case because the husband wasn't the defendant.

  3. Pluscount, Susan White's husband's attorney kept jumping up because he didn't want the whole world knowing about his private life which wasn't the issue in this case. The defense was trying to make it an issue, but it was not. The judge kept letting it go too far.

  4. Please do, Bellesouth, if you deem my Comment(s) "worthy". "Sometimes wrong, but never in doubt". Ashton O'Dwyer.

  5. His track record with women isn't stellar is it? Hendry had the fisting part right in his earlier comments. But I feel badly for Joyce Freeland as it was she that went public defending her man saying the public only had part of the story. What she evidently didn't know was the other part we didn't know means at best her hubby would bed another woman at the drop of a hat and at worst that he simply takes what he wants that way.

    As a married guy that just got his 25 year lapel pin, I'll add this is not a stable foundation for a long lasting marriage IMHO.


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