34 thoughts on “Memorial day weekend open”

  1. Any word on the status of the DMR investigation? Any news why the Sun Herald has clammed up about the investigation??? WTHeck is going on????

  2. I think everyone is waiting on the election. The Gov and Lt. Gov are on the McKrook bandwagon. And lots of money being spent on media buys.

  3. John McKay. With friends like this he should own an eyeglass shop.

    DANNY JALANIVICH: Stop bashing McKay over a boat trip

    Is that all you have, a boat trip? Of all the politicians who boarded the DMR boat in question, why do you continue to bash only John McKay?

    To answer that, it is a known fact that the Sun Herald supports Mayor Connie Moran’s liberal ideologies and all the negative bias you print about John McKay will help your (her) cause.

    That Jalanivich name seems familiar.

    Was there something about Danny Jalanivich and YADA Inc?

  4. Might have been something about Danny Jalanivich and Harbor Landing.

    As in who built it?
    As in who issued the permits?
    As in who pulled the permits?

    David Harris once claimed he made out OK on that deal:

    OCEAN SPRINGS, Mississippi — An owner of the Harbor Landing Bar & Grill confirmed Wednesday that the state Department of Marine Resources has purchased the property.

    “We sold it to DMR and their primary purpose probably is to restore it as a green space, which is what they get their money for purchases like this,” said owner David Harris.

    Harris did not disclose the purchase price for the 3-story waterfront restaurant and adjacent boat storage.

    “Actually, we got our check today,” he said. “We made out OK.”

    William Walker, executive director of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, did not respond to a phone call or e-mail about the sale.

    Ocean Springs’ Harbor Landing sold to Mississippi’s Department of Marine Resources

    1. Danny Jalanovich, according to a very good friend of mine in Ocean Springs, has always been under the David Harris thumb. As an alderman in Ocean Springs he arranged the building permit and built the Harbor Landing buildings that were sold to the DMR.He says if you dig deeper you will find his involvement in real estate and other things donated to the YMCA/YADA. The old saying “THICK AS THIEVES” really applies here. This whole group is supporting John McKay, which should send up warning flags to honest taxpaying citizens that McKay is part of the problem.

  5. Not to mention this:

    Jackson Co. supervisors announce new harbor chairman, co-chairman, commissioners

    The Jackson County board of supervisors announced the new 2012-2016 Jackson County Small Craft Harbor chairman, co-chairman and commissioners Thursday.

    The commissioners are, Brad Lemon, Tom McIlwain, Jim Allen, Danny Jalanivich, Chic Cody, Kurt Oberhofer and Chris Balius. Oberhofer and Balius are both serving their first term as a commissioner. Tom McIlwain will also serve as chairman. He replaces 16 year chairman of the commission Brad Lemon. Danny Jalanivich will also serve as co-chairman.

    The commissioners will be tasked with advising Jackson County supervisors on the operation of the Jackson County owned harbor, marinas, boat launches and other water related recreation facilities that are open to the public. They will suggest any necessary harbor improvements.

    1. What a small world. Think back to our infamous Cedar Point Land Deal. The same names are still at work, one even getting an appointment by the county BOS. Brad Lemon, David Harris, “Uncle Ben” Stone, Frank Palazzo.

      1. What really amazes me is the fact that crooks have no boundaries. Some of the same people work in any county where an opportunity exists. Here in Biloxi, which is home to many of the people involved in the ongoing investigations, they will go over to Jackson County or up to Jackson. The only thing that matters is the money.

  6. I’m just wondering if the Readers of SLABBED have any interest in learning anything about the CORRUPTION within the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary System which, unfortunately, I find myself in. To whet your appetites, ponder my fate, ie. permanent disbarment, and contrast it with the treatment that was meted out to Don Gardner following his self-admitted misconduct as documented in the Porteous Impeachment Proceedings, and Tom Wilkinson, the self confessed felon who was suspended from the practice of law for 3 whole years. I’ve got a helluva lot to say, and documentation to prove what I say, if anyone’s interested. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. Ashton I certainly would relish any information that might focus on the failure to responsibly chastise both Gardner and Wilkinson. I have personal acquaintance with both, one a POS, and the other maggot SOB, and I cannot understand the gall or hubris of those giving up the “kid glove treatment” to them.

    2. You post it and it will get read. This isn’t the type of place where the lack of comment is necessarily a lack of interest. Make a record.

    1. That old thread is now NEW AND IMPROVED!!! with a new comment giving it a bump to the top of that forum 🙂

      “Election Selection
      Ocean Springs, MS
      5 hrs ago

      I think it is time to bring this one back. Take the time to read the thoughts of the people 4 years ago.

      Maybe McKay will organize a letter of support from Janus or Baby Walker next.

      1. Amazing to watch history repeat itself. McKay seems now to be totally reliant on the Republican machine in Jackson County to help him get above 50%.I do not believe having a standing Governor come to town for a candidate for mayor helps. If you remember Scott Walker somehow had Phil Bryant come to town for him and lost. I predict the same results. The more I see and read the more I think that Bill Walker and John McKay are twin brothers by different mothers with each being born in a mudhole.

    1. lol! Thanks for posting that Jalanivich link. I forgot to. Absolutely amazing. Highly recommended 🙂

  7. I keep having weird attempts to log into my email account. The first was from a small city just across the bay from Yarmouth. The latest one was from Kileen, Texas. It happened shortly after my first comment on slabbed. For obvious reasons, I got suspicious. So after today’s attempt, I googled slabbed kileen texas. The only thing I can find is a damn granite company called… http://slabnation.com/

    And my password was impossible to guess. Not that it matters. I have nothing anyone can get to through my email. Am I being paranoid or is that an odd coincidence?

  8. To “bsharp”: Let’s REALLY get paranoid. Kileen, Texas is where Fort Hood, a BIG U.S. Army base (primarily Armor) is located. It also is home to Major Abu Nidal Hussain (to my knowledge he still wears the uniform – Can you believe that?), perpetrator of the Fort Hood Massacre. Maybe you’re being targeted by Army Intelligence types, or by terrorists who still inhabit the Fort Hood area. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  9. i hope that everyone got to see the “Father’s Day” photo that the Walkers sent in to the Sun Herald for the contest to win a gift certificate from one of the casinos! They are already taking that poor new baby with them to whet their whistles it appears. Baby walker is holding the child under the arms and letting him swing like a tadpole so that he can get that fake smile right and ready for the camera. Pawpaw Walker is sporting one of the peach colored DMR Sports shirts that were purchased as gifts for important people. IMHO,I feel so sorry for that poor child having to be “raised” up and being taught the morals of those two. They really have nerve putting their faces on the front page in the Taxpayers’ faces. But they will take it any way they can get it.

    1. Where did you see this? I missed it. I wonder if McKay refers to the poor child as baby mudhole or just mudpuddle? With the Walkers they do not think they have nerve ,they think we do for calling them out.

    2. Screengrab and link or it didn’t happen!

      Actually not doubting you saw this, just thinking the blog operator might find it useful to have that on file. While the taxpayers wait for Feel and Stacy to get to the bottom of the mudhole, some commenter might even be able to tell you which invoice the taxpayers got for the DMR shirt in that picture. If the commenters saw the picture.

      Who were the lucky recipients of the XXXXXLarge DMR shirts? No joke. Someone connected to the DMR must be that large. 5XL shirts (and more than a few) on at least one (pretty sure I remember on more than one) of those DMR invoices. Those cost extra! Who knew? Did one of the Walkers hand out those “samples” himself?

      Probably someone wearing an XXXXXLarge shirt could eat a lot of bait err biological samples. Whether it is on the boat or take out.

        1. Gots to be Greg Denyer.He is a very large alderman(do not confuse with alderman at large)in Ocean Springs.If you remember he is Walker’s neighbor and had a cushy job at the DMR.

          1. Posing in that shirt after what has transpired intending that it be published?

            Does it take a coupla asspockets of chutzpah? Either that or it’s a major dose of delusional combined with knowing that you are surrounded by all your birds of a feather.

      1. Yep. That is them. I would recognize that shirt anywhere. Three generations. So sweet. Also a picture of Scott Walker and wife 2 in the Ms.Press at the Jolly. They were there with Bill and Sharon Walker enjoying the event or were they?

  10. Holy Slimy Senate Snakes Batman;

    It’s now been officially declared confirming what the SlabbedNation has known for years.


    The Senate Snakes recently passed House Bill introduced by Rep. Joe Lopinto providing for the lease of East and West Jefferson Hospitals as per The Advocate (story could not be downloaded as John Georges’ internet sucks).

    The story leaked the three secret suitors bidding for the hospitals as being the national giant HCA, Children’s Hospital and Ochsner.

    Before any decision is reached I want to know all the names of all politicos ( any JP politicos either previous elected, appointed to boards or commissions and/or worked for Jefferson Parish government in any capacity).

    With 4,000 volunteers why is it these hospitals are worried about their future profits while the new lessor will not have said volunteers? The answer is partially due to crony capitalism with too many politicos’ salaries weighing down the bottom profit line.

    Patricia needs to give all these politicos giant jettison enemas and the parish hire medical business people with administrative skills and smarts.

    1. The Council has pushed the Jefferson hospital hospital lease debate to be held down at the Tampon Rodeo in July at Grand Isle 80 miles south where all voter sensitive issues are discussed and voted on and voters are less able to attend.

      Read and look what happened in Cleveland when a hospital was leased costing taxpayer millions and loss of competition.


      The Nola.com story has many good commenters worried that Ochsner is already the chosen suitor to get the lease and with so many Ochsner hospitals already they would have a monopoly similar to the tragic River Birch lease resulting in higher health costs to Parish residents.


      Have the BGR do a financial study and pick the most beneficial suitor and kick the local politicos out of the health business, like the traffic camera business and the Performing Arts business as they can’t be trusted with $$$$$$$$.

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