Afternoon links: The latest Goatherder suit makes the news in Canada

Slabbed may have cracked the commenter case. ~ Jason Berry, American Zombie

Trout Point legal wars redux ~ Timothy Gillespie, South Coast Today

Leary/Perret also submitted as evidence a copy of a recent, additional defamation suit against Handshoe and WordPress owner Automatic, naming River Birch attorneys and SCT publisher Timothy Gillespie as “co-conspirators”. In that suit, Leary/Perret claim that Handshoe has falsely accused them of “perjury, grifting, graft, fraud, lying, racketeering, filing frivolous and/or SLAPP lawsuits, being bag men and “nefarious,” litigiousness, money laundering, funnelling of bribes, funnelling of illegal kickbacks, money laundering for drug cartels, involvement in organized crime, and involvement with the corrupt practices of Louisiana politicians including the implementation of kick-back and “pay to play” schemes.”

The pair claim in the suit that “such false statements of facts are particularly damaging to the reputations of Perret, an attorney licensed in 2 states, and Leary, a former professor of history.”

Prior to the recent court filing, that defamation action was amended, removing Handshoe, River Birch legal team and Gillespie and leaving Automatic as the only defendant. The court was not provided a copy of the amended complaint.

I can confirm Danny Abel goon Chris Yount served me with the latest copyright suit from Leary and Perret yet I have still not been served the amended complaint from the suit against myself and Automattic, such amended complaint deleting all the allegations against me. I received a copy of the filing from my lawyer, who was sent a copy of the amended complaint along with a media inquiry about same weeks ago.

Once again Leary and Perrret are attempting to mislead a Canadian court by including baseless allegations or implying any determination has been made regarding of the photo they issued with their press release trumpeting their default judgment Nova Scotia judgment, which has proven both worthless and a serious miscalculation. I have a surprise waiting for those two jackasses tomorrow at the Yarmouth Courthouse.

The entire South Coast Today article is a must read.

3 thoughts on “Afternoon links: The latest Goatherder suit makes the news in Canada”

  1. Charles Leary, Vaughn Perret and Daniel G. Abel had a dream, it was to control their press and use whatever means possible and available to them, however repugnant, to censor and chill free speech.

    Lets all bow our heads and take a moment to pay our respects as the dream has died. That whoosh was the toilet flushing.

  2. There is a lot to digest here.

    Leary and Perret first ask the web host to take down the offending photograph claiming it is in copyright infringement per US federal laws.

    When it is their turn to proceed at risk of perjury in said court they instead….

    duck into Yarmouth courthouse and request the province of Nova Scotia claim copyright law jurisdiction it does not have; which they demonstrated they knew in the first place.


    This is so unethical and yet fully explains why everyone they threaten takes the same scorched earth approach in their reply.

    Thank you Kirk Cheyfitz, Timothy Gillespie and of course Doug Handshoe for letting us see these vile men and their repugnant business practices.

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