The Fazzio indictment hits PACER. Looks like the man is in a heap of trouble to me.

Folks, organized crime operate a myriad of scams the only common denominator being garnering ill-gotten loot at the end.  Paul Rioux at the Times Picayune outlines a time-honored scam in the construction industry albeit taken to its most brazen level as Fazzio is alleged in the his indictment to fictitiously billed Garner Services around $1MM with the help of Garner COO Mark Titus.  Normally the way this scam works is a rogue employee of the contractor will assist a subcontractor in getting inflated bids by circumventing the procurement process and a kickback is paid at the end to the rogue employee by the sub in question.  According to the government Fazzio and Titus took it to a whole new level and indeed having the COO of the contractor running the inside interference certainly helped that illicit process.  I’ll add that Garner needs to work on its internal controls because hiding the payments likely involved cost shifting and other nefarious construction accounting tricks.

Of course the government has some time-honored tricks of its own and to the extent Fazzio is ass deep in business with Team River Birch and its management team of Fred Heebe, Jim Ward and his bro Butch (now stinking up the coast) squeezing his balls may be an easy shortcut to getting more dirt on the doings at River Birch, which we already know stinks worse than the landfill on a summer day and  Fazzio certainly knows where all the bodies are buried.

When I get back to my office later today I’ll try to dig up the indictment via PACER but in the meantime Rioux’s story is well worth the read.


7 thoughts on “The Fazzio indictment hits PACER. Looks like the man is in a heap of trouble to me.”

  1. Such arrogance creates such a jackass:

    “…Fazzio appeared relaxed as he sat next to his wife while waiting to be arraigned. When one of his attorneys asked Fazzio if he needed a copy of the 13-page indictment, Fazzio joked that he already had a copy mounted in a scrapbook.”

    Slidell businessman with ties to River Birch landfill pleads not guilty to federal fraud charges
    Published: Friday, August 05, 2011, 1:04 PM Updated: Friday, August 05, 2011, 1:05 PM
    By Paul Rioux, The Times-Picayune

    Dom, my man, I happen to know someone in the ‘scrapbook arts and crafts’ business…in fact she’s the best…I will forward the info to Sop… in the event that you are interested, he can pass this info along…in my opinion, I believe we are talking ‘SCRAPBOOKS’ (in the plural) for the time you’re going to be down on this indictment when convicted …

  2. From all rumored accounts we are now staged for the watershed of indictmentS to flow from the systemic corruption in Jefferson Parish…Coulon, Whitmer, Wilkinson, Broussard, the Wards, the entire Jefferson Parish Council of Clowns (and Young as Parish Parish presently), Barton, Gandolfi, Fos, and so many others…but it is DA PAUL CONNICK’s head that should be honored as the last and final offering to that guillotine !!!

    The Danziger case has been a success for the DC Justice Dept prosecutors…parts one and two of the triangulation of River Birch (Ward/Heebe) have been set in motion…Mouton has pled guilty and Fazzio has been indicted…

    NOW !!! … RIGHT NOW !!! … is the time for someone in the US JUSTICE DEPT to take the reigns of this Investigation of the corruption scandals in Jefferson Parish that has lingered for over some 3 years now (beginning with the Hubbard case) … what we need and demand here in Jefferson Parish is JUSTICE …

    And I suggest that Butch Ward’s mini-me, Sissy Roberts, be at the front of this Prosecution Parade !!!

  3. Letten and his "dick-sucking" fuck-buddy, Welker, of the Federal Bureau of Constipation, are as CROOKED as they come. Why hasn't Cleo Fields been indicted? Why hasn't Marc Morial been indicted? Why hasn't C.Ray Nagin been indicted? It's because Letten has his nose and tongue so far up the ass (and other body parts) of Mary Landrieu that it STINKS (quite literally). Letten owes his job to the Democratic Party (and its money) and nothing is going to happen in the Eastern District of Louisiana without their O.K. Ashton O'Dwyer.

  4. "When your lost, everything's a sign" (THE PEARL, Eudora Welty)…

    Have y'all notice Lettenemgo's full beard … lost on the look ??? … a classic Liberal Democrat…or a new found convert of Islam ???

    One thing is certain…he's lost his way to Jefferson Parish !!!

  5. “A man accused of conspiring with the River Birch landfill's chief financial officer to defraud more than $1 million from a Houston construction firm is seeking a plea deal with federal prosecutors, according to court documents. Mark J. Titus initially pleaded not guilty in July to conspiracy to commit mail fraud. But his attorneys filed a motion to postpone the Sept. 19 trial to buy time for plea negotiations.”

    Plea negotiations may affect case against River Birch landfill chief financial officer
    Published: Friday, September 16, 2011, 7:45 PM
    By Paul Rioux, The Times-Picayune

    Put aside for the moment that the Govt’s Appeal of the subpoena returns is still awaiting in the 5th Circuit, River Birch has three civil matters that are triangulating their ass:

    1) AMV’s Federal lawsuit, based upon her original Whistleblower Claim, which is the genesis of all that is wrong with the illegal contract with River Birch ,

    2) The re-conventional demand by Waste Management alleging a conspiracy by JP Parish Officials in the pre-mature breech of their contract with Jefferson Parish, and

    3) Concrete Busters’ lawsuit laying out the RICO foundation as to why they were not scored higher than River Birch by the illegally constituted PFR committee.

    As the drama of “As River Birch Turns” continues to play out we can only hope that the ghost of Mark St.Pierre haunts the US Atty in the background.

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