South Coast Today Shelburne Nova Scotia: US feds looking at Nova Scotia in major fraud case

SCT sources in New Orleans say that that authorities there, including federal prosecutors and the FBI are continuing to investigate the relationships between Broussard and the properties and business associates in Nova Scotia Scotia. One source, who asked not to be named, said that the recent court filing could be “the tip of the iceberg” as it relates to Broussard’s dealings in Nova Scotia.

The Slabbed Blog has written extensively about Broussard and his connection to Nova Scotia. In a story Tuesday, Slabbed published portions of court and government documents regarding companies registered in Louisiana and Nova Scotia for the purpose of investing in vacation properties in Nova Scotia and elsewhere.

Lawyers for Leary and Perret filed an “emergency motion” with the Mississippi courts on Tuesday to expedite a ruling for summary judgment on Slabbed publisher Doug Handshoe’s challenge to the $425,000 defamation award to the couple from a Nova Scotia court.

Read more at the South Coast Today….


2 thoughts on “South Coast Today Shelburne Nova Scotia: US feds looking at Nova Scotia in major fraud case”

  1. Did I miss something here? The guys at Trout Point Lodge (TPL) claimed, initially, that they had no relationship whatsoever with Aaron Broussard; he just happened to be a property owner “down the road.” No connection whatsoever, according to Perret and Leary.

    Then, the shit started hitting the fan, and documents regarding Broussard’s ownership of several cottages right next to TPL came out. These documents evidenced that lawyer Danny Abel, who is close to Broussard and who is business partners with the TPL people, was involved. Then, we learn that TPL did, in fact, manage the rentals for Broussard’s cottages, which the Feds in Louisiana now allege were a conduit for kickbacks and graft. So, now faced with damning documents, the guys at TPL now concede that they did manage Broussard’s properties, as demonstrated by the now-famous Roy D’Aquilla letter about property taxes and assessments.

    I am having a really hard time understanding how TPL and their owners were defamed by Slabbed when the truth of the matter is/was that they were “in business” with Aaron Broussard. Maybe you define things differently in Canada, but down here in the ole USA, when you manage something for someone, you are “in business” with them, plain and simple. These claims of defamation are so scattershot and all over the place, it is like trying to pin down mercury. Plus, as I understand it, truth is an absolute defense to defamation, or has the law changed. What say you, Vaughn and Charles? Educate me here.

  2. Well I can think of several reasons for the denial they need to have been licensed to collect fees relating to the Real Estate commercial work they actually were doing . Second is obvious that the corruption of foreign officials and comingling funds of a known business scam for tax fraud are felonies.

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