3 thoughts on “Heads up: JPAC on tap for Thursday.”

  1. What a coincidence … that a JPPAC item would be scheduled on an agenda in Baton Rouge the very same day that a special JP Council meeting is called to vote on the budget … Hmmm

  2. Sounds to me like no one on the Jefferson Parish Council wanted to be called to the Legislative Auditor's meeting…or if anyone HAS been called they will be missing the JP Budget meeting…smells fishy whichever way it fell…

  3. I'm sure Mini-me can spare Deano Bonano for the day. Surely Roberts wants to help the good folks at the Leg Auditor's office get to the bottom of this taxpayer funded disaster.

    Since I am sharing word in construction circles is the only way Calderera will collect another dime on JPAC will be at the local courthouse. Well see.

    Also we have a nice double header since Hazard Mitigation is also on the Agenda. I plan on watching the webcast for certain.


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