7 thoughts on “We Have the Perdigao RICO Case Statement”

  1. Wonder where Sally and NAAS are, Sop? The “fill-in-the-blank format is hard to follow – you think the court uses it like a check list?

  2. I will get back to this later. For now, I will say that the “ethics” A&R defendants are just as foolish as Perdigao for being complacent with Vosbein, et als, schemes and for participating in the “cover up” and false representation of Perdigao as a thief when they know it was a skimming scheme originating with the clients/owners/partners/A&R partners of the gaming industry. Of course, the “ethics” defendants don’t exactly have anybody to give their information to if they wanted to disclose the scheme because local Letten is not receiving it. Instead, Letten is colluding with A&R.

  3. The partners of the firm were complicit when they knew Vosbein, et als, were partnering with the firm client, Guidry, et als, to go into the gaming business. The partners wanted the fees the gaming industry would generate. The partners were complicit when they knew that Morial, and others, were being brought into the firm, because they wanted the fees that the connections would generate. They knew the actions were unethical on their face but they went blind because they wanted the fees that would be generated. As long as they stayed out of it and turned a blind eye, they could benefit from the fees. Well, they are in it now. Anybody in Louisiana that goes into the gaming industry needs “permission” to operate. Who did the partners think they were working for?

  4. Hey, All. I’ve been out of pocket for a few days and will need to catch up.

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