BREAKING: Scott Walker wants out early

But first some lovely music:

Scott Walker wants to serve remainder of prison sentence in halfway house ~ Margaret Baker

He claims that home confinement would be fine too but before he goes back into the consulting business with a local sitting politician we need to hash out a thing or two starting with that brand spanking new Jackson County Adult Detention Center from where the stench of a steaming pile of Maxwell-Walker scat still emanates. Jackson County still has too many CONsultants on the loose as it stands.

Friday Open: Where does the time go?

I’m fighting numerous deadlines thus the lack of new material. That does not means the news cycle is not happening though, especially the continuing dust-up involving Consultant Joshua Nemzoff’s airing of the sweetheart insider dirty laundry in a full page ad to the Times Picayune.  I personally don’t understand why Channel 8 doesn’t just lend Chris Roberts a camera man and microphone for the week while Lee Zurik explores anew why John Young likes a well compensated secretary.  Maybe Zurik should explore how Robert’s makes his money but we’d all die from asphyxiation holding our breath waiting for that.