David’s intervention garners letters from the local jailhouse

Anyone that read the NOLA.com stories and comments on the collapse of the Fred Heebe / Riverbirch Investigation under the weight of the US Attorney Commenting scandal knows David Andrew Christenson, a Vlogger now operating in Florida that is determined to get to the bottom of the “Katrina Virus”, an illness Christenson contends is fostered by the Federal Government.

It would be easy to dismiss David as a crackpot and there is no disputing he is a troubled soul dating to his 2010 arrest by the FBI, ostensibly for passing threats against certain public officials. David was ultimately released from detention but it appears the experience increased both his determination and dogged pursuit of US Attorney General Eric Holder. As such David has intervened as an interested party in most every federal criminal prosecution of note in the Louisiana Eastern District Federal Courts, no doubt making himself the bane of the New Orleans US Attorney’s Office in the process.

Occasionally as a member of the local media, David sends me links to his YouTube updates etc. and I occasionally run them here on Slabbed. Last week he sent me two letters he received from the local jailhouse that are worth sharing for no other reason than the notoriety of the senders in Telly Hankton and Stefen Daigle.

Hankton has been described as the most dangerous man in New Orleans and he is charged racketeering and murder among other grave misdeeds. The saga of his arrest has literally made news across the globe. The news accounts portray him as a thug and cold blooded, remorseless killer. The letter he sent David however shows another side to Hankton as an intelligent individual that knows how to write a business letter, albeit in cursive handwriting.

Daigle is a case that flew under the radar here at Slabbed. Continue reading “David’s intervention garners letters from the local jailhouse”

Jim Brown: Are Louisiana Congressional Members Ready to Lead us into War?

Thursday, September 18th, 2014
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Here we go again. Another prolonged military campaign in the Middle East. Is the President justified in waging a new war that will emanate in Syria, but raises numerous questions as to where it all will end? Louisiana congressional members have been oddly silent on the President’s new counter terrorism assault. The Bayou State has no representation on the key congressional national defense committees.

But isn’t it reasonable to expect that the elected officials representing us in Washington at least owe it to their constituents to firmly articulate how involved the U. S. should become in a new Middle East war effort? Hey, guys, Mary — we are about to become ensnared in another war that will cost $billions, and who knows how many lives. You owe it to the folks who voted you into office to speak up. If you were to hold a town meeting (rarely held by Louisiana representatives and senators any more), here are just a few of the questions that you should ask.

Is ISIS, a terrorist network operating primarily in Syria, a direct threat to the U.S? The director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Matthew Olsen, doesn’t think so. Olsen said this week that ISIS has no cells in the U.S. “We have no credible information” that the group, “is planning to attack the U.S. ISIS, is not al Qaeda pre-9/11.” So members of congress, do you feel differently? Do you have credible information that we need to jump into the fray as we did in Iraq?

Is the President reacting emotionally to the recent beheading of two American journalists? If they had not been killed, would we be responding the same way? Julian Reichelt is the chief editor of the German paper BILD, and was a war reporter in Syria. He recently wrote: “Most Western journalists had given up covering Syria because ISIS was actively hunting down reporters. ‘Stay safe — don’t wanna see you in some YouTube video,’ had become a common, now darkly prophetic, line between parting journalists in the hotels on the Turkish side of the border.” These reporters knew well they were facing grave danger, yet still entered harm’s way. Does America go to war because of the serious risks these journalists chose to take in a war ravaged nation? Continue Reading……..