Who dunnit ? Let’s solve the DEQ / BP City of D’Iberville Ocean Expo grant mystery (Updated)

First the mystery:

If Gouras did not nab the grant and Maxwell-Walker did not nab the grant who in the heck helped the City of D’Iberville get that DEQ grant? Seems to me that $3,000,000 DEQ grants to build aquariums do not grow on trees here in Mississippi. Given Anita’s quotes from Team Walker, who attended the hearing, I imagine their spidey senses were tingling too, especially since Janus gave a qualified admission of guilt that required some clarification for Judge Starrett. Janus knoweth not what anyone from the DEQ or Gov’s office would say about that matter and he was right to clarify his admissions, as laid out in the factual basis of the Janus plea, which hopefully will hit PACER soon.

I just had a conversation with a source that I will describe as not a politician or member of the investigative community but who possesses specialized knowledge of the operations of the Barbour Administration. Biloxi Blues has come very close to nailing it in comments twice now:

I think the answer might be Bill Walker with the DMR….

Let’s tell the story as it was told to me. First up is a link I put out this morning on Twitter from the Sun Herald’s Mary Perez circa January 26, 2013:

Janus said he had written three letters to Gov. Haley Barbour’s office in an attempt to get funding, with no success……

I did not include the whopper Janus told immediately after the quote but now I understand exactly how the Government is planning to crush the Walkers, specifically Scott on the DEQ grant charges he now faces alone. My source indicate to me that Janus in fact tried much harder than writing three letters and in one instance the lobbying between he and a Continue reading “Who dunnit ? Let’s solve the DEQ / BP City of D’Iberville Ocean Expo grant mystery (Updated)”

American Zombie: Nagin Trial (start the Jeopardy theme music)

Once again the bold predictions of the select group of seasoned lawyers that share such things with Slabbed are born out in spades.

I just left the courtroom after hearing the closing arguments. I’m honestly dumbfounded at the defense’s efforts. I thought maybe they would tie together everything they’ve done in the past week, or even lack of what they’ve done….but no dice. It was honestly painful for me to watch. I wanted to take over myself. How bad can it be if I want to help defend Ray Nagin?

Continue reading at American Zombie…….

It was about this time a year ago……..

That the US Attorney commenting scandal was in full bloom and the rumor mill was in overdrive and this little project was featured in several of the rumors. Heck I may have even started one or two of ’em for kicks.  That said one I did not originate and my all time favorite rumor was the one favored for an extraordinarily long time in certain Jefferson parish political circles which held that I was in actuality, Anne Marie Vandenweghe’s brother. This in turn can only mean that the ignorance was stunning. Lest I digress.

In any event lets kick up the rumor mill (which does not need my help right now) with the latest from USA v Jackson: Continue reading “It was about this time a year ago……..”