I would like to acknowledge the fact there are lots of rumors swirling around about Slabbed

I may have even started one or two of ’em myself. That said I would like to repeat the following statement, which I have now published three times:

I have not been subpoenaed by Team Horn nor do I expect to receive one.

That said I do appreciate the fact the US Department of Justice thought enough of Slabbed’s coverage of the scandal in Jefferson Parish to come visit with me for a spell earlier this month.

But there are some hints floating about regarding a few of those rumors and I would like to point them out.  First is this snippet from Jason Berry’s post, A Corner Piece of the Commenter Puzzle:

The company is called Affinity Dynamics and its founder is an interesting guy who wears many hats… political consultant, writer, journalist….Glenn Smith. I don’t know exactly what role AD played in the process to hunt the commenter down but I do know they were aware of the exact date and times the commenter was logging in from the hotel as well as the fact that he was using a Yahoo email address to do so. I am not suggesting that AD or Mr. Smith did anything illicit….let me restate that….I am not suggesting that Affinity Dynamics or Glenn Smith did anything illegal. But I am stating that they had a lot of information about this man that should have been privy only to Advanced Publications/Nola.com. I am also stating that they were assisting Heebe’s team in the effort to track the man down.

I actually made contact with Mr. Smith via email and he was very polite but stated that he could not comment about the matter due to the pending federal investigation. Fair enough.

As far as I know the mystery IH commenter circa February, 2011 was quarry for Fred Heebe but not Team Horn with DoJ OIG.  Am I missing something here about Smith’s pending investigation?  Let’s revisit Gordon Russell’s article on the Fred Heebe internet commenter witch hunt to add more color: Continue reading “I would like to acknowledge the fact there are lots of rumors swirling around about Slabbed”

Former Young Administration CAA Heather Hilliard files suit against Jefferson Parish

I guess it is only natural my email inbox got a workout late yesterday afternoon after Former Young Administration CAA Heather Hilliard filed suit against Jefferson Parish since Slabbed trail blazed the subject of Hilliard’s battles with Young’s former Deputy COO Richard Hart. In fact Slabbed was there in early 2011 with news that Hart was widely considered a snake in the grass reminscent of self admitted felon/POS Tim Whitmer by my peeps at the Yenni Building months before Hart’s name surfaced in the mass media.  So along those lines when open hostilities commenced Slabbed was again there “first with the most” and the story crossed into the mass media.

I would like to make one small request of Team Hilliard now that Slabbed is picking up coverage of the lawsuit: Ditch the watermark. Click the pic to get the 10 9 page pdf:
Hilliard v Parish of Jefferson Doc 3