And what a nice day it was today in Yenniville…..

Folks what I could never figure out was why Aaron Broussard was marketing those overseas travel investments for Danny Abel, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary and I still do not know the why, but I got me the smoking gun today and will publish it soonest along with some other dynamite documents I also nabbed today.

It is my hope that all the perpetrators to this massive political corruption enterprise that Aaron Broussard led are called to account.  I know I’ll be doing my level best to facilitate that process.


8 thoughts on “And what a nice day it was today in Yenniville…..”

    1. I’d love to but there was a few FBI quality documents in the take that the good guys need to see first. 🙁


  1. Cool , I wait in great anticipation ! So the way this is unfolding SOP you may be the next owner of a Nova Scotia lodge?

    1. Lockemup,
      From the looks of things where the girls are going isn’t the lodge and falsified testimony to obtain damages from SOB in a foreign court means the shoe is on the other foot when it come to a civil settlement . Like Titus the girls may find most what they own is being confiscated in the U.S. by the DOJ and IRS ?

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