Sal, it is time to step down

W O W ! ! I think it is wishful thinking for Letten to believe that this episode won’t have any effect on pending cases. Aside from that, this demonstrates the danger of assuming that those entrusted with representing the government are above reproach. And the defendants, lawyers, judges, and persons under investigation who were subjected to the running commentary from the heart of the U.S. Attorney’s office should wonder where Mr. Letten’s to them apology was — does he intend to apologize to Heebe, Lemann, Berrigan, etc?. ~ BRlawyer

And that comment to this story by Gordon Russell and Paul Rioux on the fallout from the revelation that Henry L. Mencken1951=Sal Perricone sums up exactly why Perricone needs to do the right thing and resign. His actions have compromised a massive federal investigation into the Jefferson Parish landfill contract, among others, that have tentacles back to literally the very early days after Hurricane Katrina. What Perrricone did was wrong and in fact was unethical. Simply put following the rules is what makes the good guys “good”.

True, Mr Perricone has the same first amendment rights as everyone else and yes, as Jason over at American Zombie alluded to yesterday there is way more to this story. At this point all we have is the realm of speculation to deal with there. From a practical standpoint there is a investigation to salvage and that can not happen with Perricone in the mix at Team Letten. Continue reading “Sal, it is time to step down”