8 thoughts on “And the Krewe D’Etat too…….”

  1. How about the SlabbedNation joining and parading with these folks next years.

    We could throw small tiny piles of BS, small snakes (in the grass), devils, taxpayers money etc.

  2. We could be a marching group possibly in Krewe D’Etat especially if they realize our purpose and corruption we have helped reveal.

    Kinda’ like the group of Gentlemen with top hats and canes that marched in the Krewe.

  3. For Aaron Broussard, who is a Mardi Gras fanatic, to witness such a display of public humiliation of his former self is it’s own punishment in a special and deserving way … Karma is always around the corner as the float in Krewe D’Etat reminds us …

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