Yesterday was a perfect world. Time to chat about this little project.

Nowdy sent me word WordPress is now allowing specific types of advertising on WordPress hosted blogs.  I am not certain how this would work if we moved to a self hosting again though I have identified a good match for  Then again we can host that with WordPress too.  The folks at Automattic, Inc have been good to us as well, even learning to tune out Charles Leary of Trout Point infamy as a cub copywrite troll.  The stories I plan to tell on Slabbed’s behind the scenes adventures with Charlie, a most public figure that injected himself into the Aaron Broussard ethics investigation reporting literally leaves me giddy with anticipation. :mrgreen:

Along those lines I am pleased to report that since I turned the girls on to the concept of the US SPEECH act they have lost their ardor to SLAPP Slabbed, even after I ran them on a 2 month service of process fools errand that cost them at least $1K in Canadian court costs.  Curiously the local Canadian press, which had me “bleating” about my first amendment rights as an American Citizen like I was a lamb headed for th chop shop have also lost their interest since the Canadian defamation scam is at an end thanks to SPEECH.  The topic of the Canadian court system as a judicial hell hole for defamation, libel and slander is ripe for publicity and I plan on providing it.  My personal experience with the people in Nova Scotia has been universally positive except for the American grifter/interlopers that exploit the Canadian judicial system to their personal benefit.

Now why was yesterday perfect? For me it was because our commenters played well with each other and posted a few links that were highly clicked such as Stephanie Grace and Rich Rainey’s Broussard/Wilkinson indictment video for the T-P thus helping me concentrate on the day job which provides my daily bread. Heck ‘Gate is even revealing a grandfatherly side to his online persona that was both entertaining and enlightening. ‘Gate knows where all the bodies are buried folks. That pretty well explains the occasional invective he sends toward certain Times Picayune folks for being “namby-pamby tripe”. The community is lucky to have his perspective here in the new media as his voice was filtered out by the main stream outlets in NOLA metro.

A few months back I had an epiphany of sorts: Since Slabbed is a community sourced media outlet what we needed besides my rants is a better outlet for our readers to self publicize topics important to them than our open thread page, which now has so many comments it is unwieldy. Along those lines WordPress now has a bbPress plugin so we can host reader forums along with the blog.  I think it will be a nice enhancement.

Since my focus is writing posts and the back office staff here at Slabbed is slim, I have no idea when this will all come down beyond saying soon. One day soon everyone will go to and will end up on  That which is coming represents a small step toward determining if this project can become self-sustaining financially. If the past is any guide I think Slabbed has a bright future adding to the public’s understanding of what is happening in their communities.


6 thoughts on “Yesterday was a perfect world. Time to chat about this little project.”

  1. Not sure I understand what changes you are referring to but if you think it's good for Slabbed and the SlabbedNation punch my ticket and I'm on board for the ride!

  2. Pingback: - New Orleans News
  3. Huzzah!

    You know one of the things I love about the new world of news, SlabbedNation style? Phrases like "sniffed the reeking buns of Angel, acted like it was cocaine" don't get left on the cutting room floor.

    "A demented bread-boffer" is just the kind of editorializing zest I was missing in my daily paper.

    1. I think we are also proof how well the first amendment here in the US functions in facilitating that freedom. I've pissed off many a politician folks and a couple have let me know that fact in person. I think even they appreciate what we bring to the table even while simultaneously wanting to wring my neck. 😉

      Regarding the changes, I have to clean up the blogroll, decide if I am going to leave an archive here on the wordpress site and settle on a web host. There will also be a new "theme" that will give Slabbed a different look.

      Obviously I know more about our commenters than I let on and especially enjoy the folks that are out of this region that have become regular readers and commenters. I'm very pleased to give you a alternative Anonomouse.

      I wasn't planning to post today but the Sun Herald and Team Jindy made that impossible. 🙂


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