5 thoughts on “The wheels of justice continue to grind for Tim Whitmer”

  1. Maybe someone can explain why Whitmer is given the privilege of a telephone conversation instead of a hearing like many of the other listed citizen violators. I would not consider his ethic charges so minor as to not have to show his scheming thieve' n face.

    Does he have such a demanding working schedule, is he out of the country or out of this State besides out of his mind. Or is he drinking Corollas on a private island he's bought with his conspiratorial pay raises.

    Its time for this ego-maniacal asshole be made to come down from his throne to the level to which he deserves to navigate- cockroach level , and that's only achievable when he is on his tippy toes or high fiving his other co-conspirators.

  2. You’re being too kind Sock … Geesh ? … how about fucking Ludicrous !!!

    The moderator ends this namby-pamby tripe discussion with ‘… turn to the Times-Picayune for all you want to know about politics …’

    Frankly I was embarrassed for Rainey whom I know is much more informed than he let on to be … and Grace still has Champagne dribbling from her mouth from her halcyon days with Broussard at Antoine’s …

    This newspaper’s detachment from the real and factual news concerning actual events it’s nothing less than pitiful… and it is the owners themselves, who have woven a web of so many long standing and continuing incestuous and conflicting agendas, that make this paper a parody of itself …

  3. Stephie is RETAINING Fluid (or something).
    The girl keeps EVERYTHING.
    *Note to Self* Send Ms. Grace an Industrial Issue Christmas COLON BLOW Gift Bag with SPECIFIC IMPACTION ATTACHMENTS & INSTRUCTIONS…..
    Film at 11.

  4. Enema Girl: LMAO, but please spare the film at 11P.M..I wouldn't be able to sleep sound with horrific pictures "cramping" my mind.

    How about instead an emetic kit and save NOLA from another natural disaster and mass evacuation.

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