Here is what happens when a clown is reelected: State Farm sticks it to Louisiana Policyholders

Courtesy of Angela @ The State Farm Sucks Network

And there is also a rumor going around State Farm will be opening a new claims center in Metairie someplace between the Lowes and the I-10 Service Road over by Causeway. Lest I digress…

For our newer readers we cut our teeth here in the local congroovancy covering the myriad of ways State Farm stuck it to its customers down here after Hurricane Katrina.  Along those lines we’ve had an interest in this region’s insurance commissioners including Louisiana’s Jim Donelon, who we affectionately know here on Slabbed as Jimbo the Clown a man so full of shit he didn’t know AIG was a property and casualty insurance company.  Feckless regulators like Jimbo are part of the reason the taxpayers got stuck with the AIG tab and associated Bush era socialism of the US government owning the vast majority of the once insolvent insurance giant. Simply put Donelon could not regulate his way out of a wet paper bag. (Click here for Slabbed’s file photo of Donelon.)

Here is the AP story on the latest State Farm rate hike via Fox 8, the latest of many such increases since Katrina as we once again point out the absurdity of giving these global financial services conglomerates an anti trust exemption.


25 thoughts on “Here is what happens when a clown is reelected: State Farm sticks it to Louisiana Policyholders”

    1. Contrary to cynical people hating on insurance companies, the most of the premiums they collect from customers do not go to the companies’ bottom line. These premiums are invested into bonds and if the insurance company is wise other types of wise investments. This is where they make their money. Most of the premiums are used to pay everyone’s claims. Everyone blames the insurance companies but the reality is that the insurance industry is a “pooled risk” whether we like it or not, we all pay for each other and we all benefit from each other as customers. Katrina and other natural disasters that were unprecendented and impossible to predict caused millions in damage and even with the many people the insurance companies denied claim payments too, they still paid out millions of dollars. The issue wasn’t greedy insurance companies denying poor helpless little people, it was the fact that most residents in the new orleans could not afford the high flood insurance premiums that *gasp* is set and provided by the federal government. Insurance companies serve solely as the middle man. Most poeple in that socio-economic level had very little to no education on what is covered by their home, renters or condo insurance. The waters that came from Katrina and subsequent breaking of levies are considered flood waters (a rise of water from the ground up that can be caused by sub terrian or arieal water flow). No insurance company covers flood period. That was the difficult task. With all the chaos abounding it was a tall order to assess whether damage to a home was caused by wind or rain or if flood waters were the main culprite. I’m not an insurance company homer but you got to know the game before you spout off your cynisism.

  1. Isn't this the same Jim Donelon who was President of Jefferson Parish in the mid-to-late 70s, who put out on six figure emergency bid (no competative bidding), pumps for the pump stations only to let them sit and rust in a field uninstalled while we suffered thru the May 3rd flood?

  2. are spot on …"Jimbo the clown" captures what this goofball is all about. Even sader perhaps is that Louisiana voters put this clown back in two to one in the recent election.

    I can't imagine anyone having 'Stateless' Farm as an insurance carrier…Jimbo doesn't take a bathroom break without first calling State Farm and getting their permission. He is clearly owned by the Good (?) Neighbor thiefs.

    The last time I spoke with this miscreant on the phone, I had to end the conversation…obviously Jimbo's reasoning abilities are long gone..and he just babbles on endlessly about what a great job he is doing…so sad for the insurance consumers of Louisiana..(but they are getting what they voted for… so enjoy those high State Farm premiums..!..)…

  3. Sock : State Farm was HERE alright and don't know bout you but according to my proctologist my asshole hasn't been the same since their untimely appearance.

    Bunhare: Absolutely the best surname for them I've ever heard – "Good Neighbor Thiefs" LMAO

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  5. Lileth the Apologist,

    Being an old man with some memory left, I just felt you might appreciate a more factual account of the “pumps in the weeds” fiasco … here’s some history as I remember it:

    Actually it was RAY CONDON, who was Director of Drainage in the Administration of then Parish President TOM Donelon (Jim Donelon’s uncle) who went to jail for a kick-back scheme of having the Parish not only buy pumps it didn’t need, but also pay more for the pumps than they actually cost; C.J. Eagan was Chairman of the Council at the same time. I guesstimate the ‘pumps’ scam transpired during a period between 1973 thru 1975, possibly early 1976.

    The pumps were "discovered" in a field of weeds in Crowne Point down Bayou Lafitte, I believe. Why was anyone looking for them and why they went there, I don't remember.

    In May of 1976 three newly elected district Councilmen were sworn in: Aaron Broussard, Jimmy Lawson and Bob Deviney; also sworn in was JIM DONELON as Council Chairman and Doug Allen as Parish President. Three incumbent Councilmen, B.H. Miller, George Ackel and Larry Hislip were re-elected…

    Although I think that the Company that manufactured the pumps is still in business on the Harvey Canal, the name escapes me…

    Just as a sidenote … there was a Condon who became Director of Community Development in Kenner for a period during Aaron Broussard’s 14 year tenure as Mayor …

    Alas … "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose" (The more things change, the more they remain the same) JEAN BAPTISTE ALPHONSE KARR, Excerpt from The Story of Mankind …

  6. The pumps you refer to were sold to the Parish by none other than…drum roll please…Parson and Sanderson of recent Bill Hubbard fame. The pumps were discovered when an investigative reporter looking for stolen Parish fire department generators found the pumps in a weeded lot. The generators were rumored to be at a local politican's camp, hence the venture to Crown Pointe.

  7. The final thing on RAY CONDON is the fact that under his watch a rare condition rose to be quite common place – the sewer connections to and past the sidewalks were not timely placed under newly constructed streets in many newly developed neighborhoods.

    So it was a surprise when some property owners build a house and found no sewer hookups necessitating breaking up the street to run the sewer lines . So when you drive down streets in Metairie and ride over bumps represented in narrow rectangular repairs running perpendicular from curb to the middle of the street, thank RAY CONDON for his fine supervision of the Drainage Dept..

    Hat tip to a older friend who explained this street phenomenon on Metairie streets.

  8. You should probably do a little research before you post articles such as this. State Farm, as well as many other large insurance companies, are BUSINESSES! If they don't record a profit the. They go out of business. State Farm also happens to be the ONLY insurance carrier who continued to pay claims during Katrina after FEMA said they could not guarantee a refund on flood policies. If you think that is greedy then there is no changing you. The point of my reply, is to explain insurance companies must price their product to make a profit. The reality is that State farm makes their money of their investments. Their products are actually priced to lose money. Do your research next time

  9. Sorry David, but you don't have a clue and your statement, "insurance companies must price their product to make a profit" underscores this. It's about a fair profit, not a grotesque profit. Do you remember the industry's record profits the year after Katrina? Would you like to pay 30 dollars for a loaf of bread? The horrendous McCarron- Ferguson Act essentially exempts the insurance industry from the anti-trust laws. This results in price fixing.

    And God only knows what you are talking about when you write of a "refund" on flood policies. If State Farm set any example after Katrina, it was how to shift your wind losses to the NFIP flood insurance policy.

  10. State Farm is getting a bad rap here. I have had State Farm for over 50 years now. Never have I ever had a problem with my coverage or the timeliness of remuneration. After Katrina and other disasters., State Farm was Johnnie on the spot. Just as an aside, If you don't have State Farm homeowners now, you can not buy it. Many homeowners who have bought that CHEAPER INSURANCE ARE STILL WAITING FROM KATRINA.. I got mine. Sorry about yours.

  11. Also, Jim Donelon has bee amongst the best of our insurance commissioners. Most of them have been in prison. Maybe some of them are still serving time.

  12. Hey Lenny, I'm surprised you were able to find your way out of your hole. You should have stopped after your first comment above. Welcome to Slabbed. In order to keep from becoming a focus of one of the posts here, you are going to have to get your information from somewhere other than the T-P and the senior center. I do applaud you for trying to widen your horizons. I hope you can stand the sunlight.

  13. Lenny:

    I'm going to let your ill-informed drivel slide for now. Don't do it again, or I am going to have to really educate you on both Donelon and your beloved "good neighbor."

    1. I think Lenny just entered the dog pound with a piece of steak tied around his neck. Still in all I could tell a few weeks ago this post made selected anuses pucker up and twitch.

      I personally like Mike Chaney better. At least he fights back. Who luvs ya Mike 😉


  14. Lenny: You wouldn't possibly be a relative of the insurance agent ,David, in the above post cause mental illness and pathogenic liars are genetically passed on thorough genes.

    Oh, so sorry I was thinking Homo erectus and not reptilian.

    Maybe you and the Geico gecko are related somehow cept' he's funny guy and you're a f*cking lobbyist for Jimbo and the Badass neighbor company.

  15. Homeowners insurance companies do not want to do business in La, specially South La.
    If you have homeowners with State Farm and you drop SF, they will not take you back.
    WE are high risk and most companies don't want our business.
    This link should cover my views on Donelon.. I would not care to discuss this any further unless you can back up your claims.

  16. Sop:

    You want to link the dozens of slabbed posts documenting the bad faith claims adjusting of the "good neighbor" and the misdeeds of Jimbo the Clown? I really don't have an extra 3 hours to educate this dude, and he does not seem to understand how to research posts on this site.

  17. Lenny if I may be so bold I think I understand your problem. You get your financial info from Gannett. Me I go straight to the source, places like State Farm's own call center.

    So you want some links boubie? Here is a few for you.

    Is there any place in the world that isn't high risk?


  18. Hey Sock here is another post that for whatever reason is making lots of anuses pucker up and twitch of late.

    I don't understand why the paid shills aren't proud of where they get their paychecks from myself. Then again even Garlandfill doesn't seem very proud that he works in a glorified brothel.

    I think this hurt too.

    But my girl Angela has the most compelling story of how State Farm fucks over widows.


  19. Thanks. Hopefully our new friend reads these with an open mind . . . but I somehow doubt it. People so entrenched in their blind support of bad companies and their bought off politicians rarely let the documented facts get in the way.

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