The wheels of justice continue to grind for Tim Whitmer

At the Louisiana Ethics Administration that is.  We have a phone conference scheduled for the 14th per the docket, which will disappear into Never-Never Land in a  few days.  File this one under Ethics case number 2010-12749-ETHICS-A.


Jim Brown

Thursday, December 8th, 2011
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Louisiana has been called the culinary Mecca of America. Our folks down in this part of the country can take just about anything edible and make it, well not just good, but quite exceptional. And when we say anything, we really mean it. This is virtually no limit on what a Cajun will put in a gumbo. So when one of our own politicians starts talking about banning anything we want to eat, “them’s fightin’ words.” But that’s just what one on Louisiana’s U.S. senators wants to do.

Democrat Mary Landrieu has for years led a national fight to ban the sale of horsemeat for consumption in the U.S. Now I’ll admit that most of us do not regularly run down to our local supermarket to check on whether a fresh shipment of horsemeat has arrived. But I’m not all that enamored by eating nutria, a large rat, that is regularly publicized as a tasty dish by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fineries. So to each his own.

Landrieu is pushing for an outright ban on both the slaughter and export for slaughter of horses. She was I the forefront of the initial fight back in 2006 when congress banned the use of federal funds by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to inspect the slaughter of horses at any meat processing plant in the country. Under the law, any plant that is not inspected by this federal agency is prohibited from shipping horse meat across state lines. So no inspection, no sales, and the horse slaughter market was shut down. Continue reading “Jim Brown”

Here is what happens when a clown is reelected: State Farm sticks it to Louisiana Policyholders

Courtesy of Angela @ The State Farm Sucks Network

And there is also a rumor going around State Farm will be opening a new claims center in Metairie someplace between the Lowes and the I-10 Service Road over by Causeway. Lest I digress…

For our newer readers we cut our teeth here in the local congroovancy covering the myriad of ways State Farm stuck it to its customers down here after Hurricane Katrina.  Along those lines we’ve had an interest in this region’s insurance commissioners including Louisiana’s Jim Donelon, who we affectionately know here on Slabbed as Jimbo the Clown a man so full of shit he didn’t know AIG was a property and casualty insurance company.  Feckless regulators like Jimbo are part of the reason the taxpayers got stuck with the AIG tab and associated Bush era socialism of the US government owning the vast majority of the once insolvent insurance giant. Simply put Donelon could not regulate his way out of a wet paper bag. (Click here for Slabbed’s file photo of Donelon.)

Here is the AP story on the latest State Farm rate hike via Fox 8, the latest of many such increases since Katrina as we once again point out the absurdity of giving these global financial services conglomerates an anti trust exemption.
