And on the day indictments are rumored to be unsealed on Tom Wilkinson, Aaron Broussard and his ex wife…..

Deb Foshee figures out how to get a judge to declare the shit house contract Broussard, Wilkinson and company pushed through with River Birch illegal, null and void.  Even that old stuffed shirt Loren Scott can’t wipe the mookie stink off the systemic corruption. Paul Rioux has all the skinny for the T-P.

Finally I’d like to point out that a former victim of Wilkinson’s famous ass chewings, where he would ball someone out for no reason, ask them to close the door to his office upon leaving so he could giggle hysterically at the dressing down he just administered asked me to wish Tom a very merry Christmas with best wishes for an even better new year because the latest news has made their Christmas season complete and they wanted to share the joy.

File this one under the thug is finally getting his comeuppance.


Stay tuned for Friday Rapid fire…

A quick announcement folks that I am on the road and will be out today, which will be a challenge since everyone expects indictments to come down today for Aaron Broussard and company.  I may have a short window for a rapid fire round a bit later this morning because I have lots of material to post but it all may fall on our readers and commenters to post links on the latest developments while I toil in the salt mine.

Never a dull moment on the Slabb.


Quick get Julie Quinn into her stripper costume, the effects of the micro mini are wearing off!!!

Folks we have some new developments in the home elevation boondoggle program as Orleans Shoring is now in some trouble due to the fact its owner, Christian Cancienne, is alleged to be a lying sack of shit like his political lapdog Quinn.  You see folks, Cancienne’s prior criminal history was left off his application for Contactor’s license with the contractors licensing board.  At this point I’ll note that Cancienne’s prior criminal record was the topic for discussion in comments on this NOLA story we highlighted in this post but predictably the folks at NOLA deleted the comments thus leaving Slabbed as the best online source for Cancienne’s prior life dealing drugs.

So yesterday there was a public hearing on the after the fact rule changes spearheaded by Quinn, Cancienne and Orleans to eliminate smaller competitors from the market place.  The legislators evidently did not buy into Quinn or Orleans becoming novice private investigators in the public’s interest either.  The Hammerman filed a report on the meeting but folks his story left off a very important detail: Orleans Shoring has now been suspended from the elevation program! Luckily for us Channel 9 out of Baton Rouge covered that aspect of yesterday’s developments.

Now something tells me that December 16th meeting at the contractor’s licensing board will be very well attended by Cancienne’s competitors, especially the ones he tried to hose with his PI sting but given they already trotted out Julie Quinn out in a micro mini skirt may I be so bold to suggest they get her into her stripper outfit for her next lobbying visit to Governor Jindal’s office. I mean it can’t hurt and with each skimpy costume change we get a better idea what Quinn really does for a living because she isn’t much of a lawyer judging from the remarks made at yesterday’s hearing about the Orleans sting operation.

As always there will be more to come folks but I’d like to add we are quickly becoming fans of state senator Ed Murray. You go Ed.
