Bucktown’s gift to the world David Duke: From Deutschland back to Dixieland with much love…….

Somehow ol’ DuKKKe  never figured out how to bamboozle anyone else besides the folks that elected him to the legislature and almost Louisiana Gov. Looks like he’ll be coming home to his peeps after being arrested in Germany. Methinks he’ll fit right in with Diaper Dave, Bucktown’s other gift to the political world.


8 thoughts on “Bucktown’s gift to the world David Duke: From Deutschland back to Dixieland with much love…….”

  1. It's a real shame that SCUM-BAG NAZIs like David Duke have wrongfully "hijacked" Southern icons like the "Bonnie Blue Flag", the "Stars and Bars", the "Confederate Battle Flag", and several "Confederate National Flags" (I'm not sure why SOP included the Texas State Flag so often in this presentation, although Texas was a secessionist State). And why associate the likes of General Robert E. Lee and General Stonewall Jackson with this SCUM? It would have been more appropriate to picture swastikas and Nazi flags, and the National Socialist FANATIC Adolph Hitler in this POST featuring David Duke. Those of us who had ancestors who fought in the Wae Between the States do not like to see our icons and hero/role models dragged through the mud. Ashton O'Dwyer.

  2. Hey man, why is Bucktown taking the blame for this, as opposed to Old Metry, which spawned both Duke and Vitter? Vitter only hid out at St. Louis King of France church in Bucktown after his "very serious sin," but I'm not sure he's ever been in Bucktown otherwise. And Duke probably could not find his way to R&O.

  3. Dude is a real pimp. I remember meeting him on an Inaugural cruise of the first version of boat gaming in Mississippi. Duke showed up with two busty blonds and wallet full of hundred dollar bills for the cruise. He was playing craps with 100 dollar chips. I figured he was a con-man who played the race card for the lifestyle of an ego maniac. I do believe he is a true racist but is more interested in a fast lifestyle than anything else.

  4. Nothing quiet like the view of New Orleans Metro that we get on the coast where so many come to play. One sloppy drunk that stood out to me was Charlie Foti back when the Knock Knock was in its heyday. His liver has gotta be scarred.

    Duke is of course using his arrest to raise money from like minded folks.

    Like Charles Leary of Trout Point infamy, Duke is in love with his PhD LMAO!!!!


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