Wade Rathke

Well, well Wade Rathke is back in his home town New Orleans again folks and has purchased a $500,000 coffee shop. But unfortunately his main intention is not to rebuild New Orleans or its economy. Nope, he’s back in town to again be a community organizer, promote his most recent socialist power to the people book and to start another Acorn-like organization. And his planned propaganda epicenter? Well naturally its his coffee shop , The Coffee Grinds, with its 300 daily coffee customers just waiting to be brainwashed and organized by Wade’s 40 years of community socialistic agenda.

Wade or course is the infamous founding father of Acorn locally and nationwide and still involved internationally in his revolutionary one man trek for a one world socialist economy. Now since we have a President , who is the world’s best community organizer and redistributor of wealth, does New Orleans need a home boy as a second rate organizer? I think not. New Orleans , especially the Ninth Ward, has been rebuilt not by Acorn or other power to the people groups, but predominantly by out-of -state white Christian church groups. And despite the efforts of our Chocolate Mayor Nagin to polarize the races, our city has become color blind and also united by the Saints championship and joined at the hip against crime and political corruption. Here especially at the SlabbedNation we have all suffered individual personal losses from the great flood, hence the term Slabbed, but in the end have all become mentally and physically stronger .

Wade’s racial propaganda coffee will not sell around here anymore in New Orleans, but especially not in the Slabbed Nation, as we are united and share success in exposing political frauds and corruption. Sorry Wade, but could you again explain why your brother, Dale Rathke, was not prosecuted for embezzling $1 MILLION DOLLARS from Acorn seeing that some of that may have been federal grant funds? And how can Wade now claim his brother paid back the money when he earlier stated that his family paid back $214,000 and a rich Californian, Drummond Pike, paid off the balance.

So Wade please don’t collect any local organizational dues and/or seek political Congressional grants which could again be stolen as did your brother with 1 million in Acorn funds in 1999 and 2000. Instead, how about picking up a simple hammer and nails and forming local Afro-American church groups to volunteer and rebuild the church brothers’ homes ; striving not to emulate Acorn’s racial divisiveness, but instead the graceful giving of out- of – state white Christian groups. And Wade for real personal change how about doing something positive for uniting the races instead of preaching power to the people and fostering ill content between your propaganda created classes ,namely the local have and have-nots and the racially down trotted. Oh that’s right, I forgot, with no organization dues or federal grants to promote racial economic equality you don’t get your six figure $$$$$$ salary and that’s what you’ve done for the past 40 years. Old habits and ways are hard to change huh, Wade.

Finally Wade, FYI, New Orleanians are now of one unified mindset in rebuilding our homes , community and cheering on our Championship Saints and Hornets. We are now a peaceful, flavorful, loving and tasteful gumbo so take your racial, Kool-Aid coffee and take a long hike to peddle it in some other truly racist, downtrodden third world country. And oh, before I forget, be sure to take your co- socialist, downtrodden brother Dale with you as the Muslim nations will love his financial integrity.


Slabbed commenter Lockemuptight is a resident of Jefferson Parish.

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14 thoughts on “Wade Rathke”

  1. Lockemuptight: Is the proper word "Socialist" or "Communist". I seriously question Wade's claim that he didn't know anything about Dale's embezzlement of @ $1 million until after the fact. But then HOW LONG DID HE KEEP IT SECRET? Was he protecting himself, or Dale? NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN PROSECUTED FOR THIS SERIES OF CRIMES, including misprison of a felony and "accessory-after-the-fact". This theft and fraud and "cover-up" and lack of prosecution is enough to scare the SHIT out of me about "Wade Rathke". But do any of you remember ACORN's registration of ficticious voters ALL OVER THE COUNTRY to cast ballots for "Obummer" in the Presidential election? What about Wade's advocacy of a TERRORIST ATTACK at the Rebublican Nationsl Convention (ie. MURDER), as reported by Matthew Vadum of the American Spectator in September 2009? And how about publicizing Wade's position on gun ownership? And this guy "Drummond Pike" who baled Wade out (THE RATHKE FAMILY WILL REIMBURSE DALE'S THEFT, PROMISE – Right, only @ $200,000 of the $1 million Dale stole)? What do we know about HIM? Is he a "Socialist" or a "Communist"? Ashton O'Dwyer.

  2. Hey, "Matzerath". I don't know you, or your "real" name, or where you live. For all I know you may have picked up SLABBED because your "Hero" Tom Freeland just got convicted of a crime. And here on SLABBED you're entitled to your opinion(s). But don't go throwing hand grenades at people without citing "chapter in verse". If you disagree with something I've said in a Comment, tell me precisely where I was "wrong", factually. The same with Comments by "lockemuptight". Otherwise, crawl back into your hole (and by the way, are you a Morman?). Ashton O'Dwyer.

  3. New Orleans 'til I die, brah. Tom Freeland? Don't know who that is…also, don't care. The first search result for Morman was an article about a Breton who named himself chieftain after Charlemagne's death. So, no, I'm not Morman,

    As far as the balance of your protest, it seems you believe WR is responsible for his brother's activities. Neither you nor lockemuptight offer any proof. Not even circumstantial evidence. I don't know either of them so I, like you, can't say one way or the other.

    I also find the hysterics over ACORN amusing. A fraudulent voter registration card does not magically create a voter. If I want to prove to all my ACORN comrades how much of a badass I am by submitting fraudulent voter registrations, I haven't magically created voters. Mickey Mouse can't vote because Mickey Mouse doesn't exist.

    Lockemuptight's hysterical rant is really not worth challenging. I mean, I'm not sure how to challenge a post with phrases such as "world’s best community organizer and redistributor of wealth" and "Chocolate Mayor Nagin" and " the Muslim nations will love his financial integrity." I get it, He doesn't like liberals, muslims, socialists, acorn, obama, etc. Big whoop.

    I like slabbed for its thoughtful and analytical investigations of local good old boy politics…not hysterical attacks on people just because they don't share the same political ideology.

    1. If the spirit should ever move you Matzerath I'd be more than happy to run a guest post from you to balance things out. 🙂


  4. Locke’, I have no use for Acorn, however I do not believe New Haiti (New Orleans) is as you describe it, “…Finally Wade, FYI, New Orleanians are now of one unified mindset in rebuilding our homes , community and cheering on our Championship Saints and Hornets. We are now a peaceful, flavorful, loving and tasteful gumbo…”

    Ashton, I always respect your right to write (a pun I believe) your opinions more than anyone else because you use your REAL FULL NAME to comment…however, I doubt that Acorn’s fictitious voters were responsible for having ‘Obummer’ elected by a landslide !

    Matzerath, as you know, it’s all about free speech here on Slabbed…and I concur, “…I like slabbed for its thoughtful and analytical investigations of local good old boy politics…not hysterical attacks on people just because they don’t share the same political ideology…”

    Vivre libre , écriture libre et être belle putain…

  5. To Matzerball :Is your moniker intended to reveal hatred of the Jewish people (Matz like matzoballs and rath as in wrath? Or could the rath suffix stand for RATHke. Either way Wade Rathke hid his brother's embezzlement for several years ( misprision of a felony ?) and persistently lies that the family personally paid off the entire 1 MILLION dollars – what more proof is necessary.

    Wade in simple terms is a 'racial shit stirrer' and he does it at a profit to himself and other followers and to the detriment of race relations in cities. It was ACORN picks in national banks that led to extortion of the banks and to the wreckless liberation of this country's previous sound lending practices which we suffer for today in the resulting housing bust and major recession. As there were100 plus negative comments on http://www.Nola.com on Wade's intentions to renew his community organizing activity, including suggested picketing of his coffee house, I believe my views represent a majority of New Orleanians for Wade to butt out of our community race relations.

    Personally I am amazed at the size of Wade's balls to open a coffee shop with intentions of using it to organize and propagate racial tension and hope his neighbors do picket his premises so he can taste a little of his own coffee real soon.

    Gate' : I agree there is too much violence, crime and corruption in the metro New Orleans but that is not racially driven but a result of out of control drug wars and failure of proper prosecution by law enforcement authorities. Overall my impression is that there is and should be excellent race relations especially seeing that out-of-state white christian churches and non-profits have reconstructed an overwhelming majority of the Afro-american homes in this area.

  6. To Matzerath: First of all, I am not your "brah", whatever that means. Is it "Plantation Negro" talk ("field hands" or "house boys"?) or just "white trash" talk? Where did you learn such an expression, and what precisely does it mean? Second, the reference to "Morman" was simply a "play" on your obviously extensive knowledge and insight about "Glenn Beck", who you likened one or more Members of the SLABBED Nation to. I reasonably thought that, with all you must know about Glenn Beck that you might be Morman. As you must know Mr. Beck is Morman. Third, as far as Dale Rathke and Wade Rathke being "joined at the hip", and sharing each other's and their non-profits' "wealth", for YEARS, just go to the Internet. I said that Dale Rathke CRIMINALLY EMBEZZLED @ $1million, and that after the embezzlement was kept quiet by Wade Rathke for a term of years. Then, when the embezzlement was made public, Wade Rathke increased Dale Rathke's salary with a non-profit, so he could pay it back, but he didn't. Then Wade Rathke said that "the Family" would pay the money back, but it didn't, only repaying @ $200,000. The balance was (allegedly) paid back by another "activist" named Drummond Pike. Has the balance of @ $800,000 actually been paid back? Do you actually know? What proof do you have? In reporting this series of CRIMES (all unprosecuted), tell me where I went "wrong", please. Fourth, the phoney voter registrations by ACORN went something like this: ACORN picks a venue where they OWN the Registrar of Voters (Chicago, for instance), or a precinct where they "own" the poll watchers. Then, "Lakisha Smith", a real person whose name id known from the Danziger case, registers to vote undet "beaucoup" ficticious names: Lakisha Norton, Shawanda Rawanda, Minnie Mouse, "whoever". And on election day, after Lakisha Smith votes in her own name, she returns to the polling place to vote under her ficticious names (no one has to produce photo I.D. anymore in order to vote). Maybe ACORN didn't elect "Obummer" in this way, but it sure didn't hurt. Lastly, why don't you, Matzerath, tell us why Obummer's and Eric Holder's Department of "Injustice" haven't prosecuted the Rathke's and ACORN. And while you're at it, tell us what you know about Wade Rathke's advocacy of a terrorist attack at the Republican Convention in 2009, and his position on gun control, both issues which you failed to address in prior Comments. Ashton O'Dwyer.

  7. Matzerballs : Still waiting for the theme of your moniker name. Do you hate Jews or are you the infamous founder of ACORN and loving brother of Dale Rathke ,the embezzler of ACORN funds, both of which you seem to be personally wanting to defend.

    I personally believe the rat, as in Rathke, got caught in the rat trap biting on the blog bait. No video needed here of the rat typing in a response post as I believe we may have some of his personal emotions expressed in his own words.

    Have no fear rat ,the picketers are coming it just takes time to organize, eh.

  8. I hate to break it to you, but the name comes from the main character in Gunter Grass's The Tin Drum.  Its a great novel and I recommend it to anyone.

    In the meantime, keep fighting the good fight against those outside agitators trying to stir up trouble with the coloreds.

  9. I hate to break it to you rat but you are RATically wrong again. I'm all for equlity but I'm sicken by people like yourself , a racial parasite slut, who want to personally profit and steal from them by falsely inciting racial tension, where no inequality or tension exists.

    A character in The TIn Drum novel, eh.You are a well read rat alright but next time you read Slabbed watch which cheese you attack and voraciously chew on as it's very telling as to who you are and what your hidden agenda is. Now please get back to your liquid Coffee Grinds cause I hear you still choking on the cheese.

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