OK You LSU Football / Jordan Jefferson Freaks looking up info on Lewis Unglesby. These are the posts you gotta read.

Yeah the buttcall is a classic but this post here is the macdaddy one involving Lewis. In this bar fight application Lewis is probably at his highest and best use as a criminal defense lawyer but I think Jefferson and his sidekick should be thrown off the team for complete stupidity.  Maybe now we know why it has taken Jefferson so long to mature as a college quarterback despite the physical talent cause the boy is a complete dumbass.

“kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down…….”


6 thoughts on “OK You LSU Football / Jordan Jefferson Freaks looking up info on Lewis Unglesby. These are the posts you gotta read.”

  1. I do believe the driver just wanted to park his car in the parking lot yet there were a number of sauced-up football players loitering in the parking area , didn't think they had to move and evidently got "dissed" when the driver blew the horn.

    I know football players get all ego-ed up but it sounds re'dick'ulous to be in the wrong and then get aggressive toward a person who has a right to navigate and park his car in a parking lot.

    If Jefferson was a true leader he would have ordered and gathered his players away from the truck and not participated in any confrontation.

    Lee may throw interceptions but at least his not throwing punches or kicks outside a bar room. I hope the judge gives the high – ho to Unglesby and gives Jefferson at least 6 months prison time to send a message that out of control LSU football egos will not be tolerated anywhere.

    Jefferson your professional hopes just went out the window with your head kick and 49 pairs of shoes. And Jefferson just where did you get the money to afford 49 pairs of shoes which I know don't bear a Tom McCann brand name on them ?

    Let's see 50 x $50-$100 = $2,500- $5,000, no problem bro Jefferson's got plenty of cash.

  2. The hell with Jefferson and all the other athlete thugs that these schools spend millions to coddle and to clean up the entitlement mess they make. This is the kind of immoral hellhole you get when winning is considered everything.

    What the hell, you think Miles, who defended this thug for some 4 years now, didn't know about Jefferson's violent personality traits. He coaches a bunch of high level testosterone men to play a very violent game.

    Miles has been so hellbent on defending Jeffersson all these years, that he has completely undermined the confidence of any other player in the qurterback position.

    Miles needs to resign before all hell breaks loose.

  3. MILES GAME PLAN : Here duckie duckies come get some bread. No duckies, not the green bread that Lyles recruiting service throws out but real enriched Wonderbread.

    Here duckie duckies quickly right this way and merge smoothly into the Dallas commuter traffic and straight onto the big coliseum .You can do it duckies cause you duckies are reportedly so fast.

    Ok Big Mike, you mangled the Aggies now have a little taste of duck jambalaya with a little Slap Your Mama on top and you' re good to go into your black limo to play with some real bloated, fu*#ked up duckies.

    POST GAME INTERVIEW : So BIg Mike how was it ? They were quacking all the way down, right Mike ? Mike ROARS , burps and expels a few yellow-green iridescent feathers in a loud volley of Wonderbread smelling farts.

    +++++GO MIKE++++++++GO TIGERS++++++++ GO MIKE+++++++ GO TIGERS GO

  4. Lewis Unglesby was on the evening News claiming to have "Affidavits" (plural), reflecting that Jordan Jefferson didn't kick ANYBODY, and averring that Jefferson is being unfairly treated, and that Coach Miles should reinstate him to play football. Unglesby sounded quite convincing about the quality of his evidence. Ashton O'Dwyer.

  5. I hope Lewis Unglesby can get Jordan Jefferson reinstated because I think that this has been an injustice to these young players. The people that got hurt in the brawl have had differing stories, even Lowery said he 'think' it could have been Jefferson and Johns. How can you say you think and police take that as a, you did it. He was loaded in the video in the bar. The person that may have kicked Lowery, I said may have because the video is a complete bomb and injustice. You can't tell who is who but the person that they are saying is kicking someone has on a black T-shirt. We can tell that the woman in the video has blonde hair. So if the kicker had on a white T-shirt we would be able to tell. Why didn't the BRPD look at the video from the bar and talk to bar mananger, bouncer and workers before declaring ….guilty. If this was a bar fight you need to talk to the bar managers and others….duh…. Jefferson has on a white T-shirt in the bar video; so I know if the white T-shirt was in the darkened video you could see it, because we can see the womans blonde hair. No way this should have become news before all of the sides were questioned. I hate injustice…. MLK…Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere…amen! 4 of the 5 witnesses for Jordan Jefferson definitely said he did not kick anyone. BRPD need more training they are ruining BR. …. i want to ask a question! If someone start a fight and get butt whipped shouldn't they get 2nd degree felony battery for failing to complete the bull… they started????

  6. Did the Slabbed Nation see Big Mike The Tiger pointing his giant sized TV remote controller at Cowboys Stadium's big screen TV. What a strategic weapon . It can only be the result of Miles' Research and Development Department.

    Ok Mike, let's see you bring your remote to the Superdome along about BCS championship game time along with some natural grass from Tiger Stadium for the Madhatter to nibble on.

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