Please pardon my interjection. Juvenile Court isn’t cheap fodder for journalism. From the Busted Files (Updated)

Folks I shook the St Tammany tree and managed to confirm certain aspects of the story of 22nd JDC JudgeMary Devereux’s chambers leaking a confidential juvenile hearing transcript to Times Picayune reporter Claire Galofaro so I could not let the latest mention of this budding saga on the pages of the Times Picayune go unmentioned. This is a tough subject because from what I gather there is a gag order in force so the parties to the case can’t talk about it.  And a salient fact omitted from the first Times Picayune Op-Ed on the case  is this case, while serious in the alleged planning of a school shooting, is in fact a matter involving juveniles and confidentiality rules clearly apply here. It is good to see the Times Picayune acknowledge this in their unattributed report today.

I laugh when I hear the so-called pros wring their hands while opining about unwashed bloggers and the perceived deficiencies in our craft.  I mention this because the Times Picayune didn’t bother with words like alleged to qualify their reporting on the matter in St Tammany that is the topic of this post. No sir they published the names of the kids and flat-out stated they did the crime and alas this is something they share in common with Slabbed in our Grand Isle coverage.  Some folks would label this type of reporting slander but perhaps it means the gang calling the shots at the T-P grew some nuts after Leary and the girls shook them down for money last year after they hung Rich Rainey out to dry on his Trout Point reporting.  Or maybe it means they are mad because the lawyer for one of the kids, Jack ‘Bobby” Truitt caught Judge Devereux passing confidential hearing transcripts to the T-P beat reporter out of the back chamber door.

I had no clue who was representing whom in this case before today because I just don’t blog much on St Tammany.  So I googled Truitt up and sure enough he appeared on 2 websites that I read, Slabbed and TulaneLink. He appears to have qualities the Times Picayune editors are now trying to exhibit such as having some sack as Truitt helped take out crooked Judge Alan Green of Operation Wrinked Robe Infamy.

I’d like to see the law that allows a Judge to leak confidential juvie transcripts from her chambers.  I think this one will be a fun topic to watch on many levels.


12 thoughts on “Please pardon my interjection. Juvenile Court isn’t cheap fodder for journalism. From the Busted Files (Updated)”

  1. SO ???

    Oh… I forgot… your whoring is to smear…

    Vous baise cul…

    Mr. Truitt is a professional lawyer…what does any other case have to do with the merits of AMV 's litigation ??? … NONE…

    Your asinine comment is telling… KILL THE MESSENGER !!!… with any incredulous leap of an inuendo that you can…

    I just can't wait till Jack E. (Bobby )Truitt busts the Parish's ass again, just like he did in the 5th Circuit Appeals's decision reversing your Blow Buddy GretnaMentality poster boy Ross LaDart's hacked ruling…

    I just can't wait to read your comments after the Parish has paid Philps, Dungmore over a HALF OF MILLION DOLLARS IN LEGAL FEES, after having to pay up MILLIONS TO VANDENWEGHE IN DAMAGES SHE WELL DESERVES !!!


  2. Belmondo …I feel the need to further illuminate your JACK-ASSERY…

    Aside from the taxpayers’ of Jefferson Parish having paid THEIR LAWYERS, Phelps, Dunbar over $125,000 DOLLARS in legal fees to date in the preliminary Vandenweghe matters (only to lose), let’s consider Jefferson Parish’s lawyers (contracted outside counsel) as they continue TO DEFEND THE INDEFENSIBLE:

    1) Phelps, Dunbar being paid some $70,000 DOLLARS to defend the Parish in the Terrence Lee vs JP case…yea you should know … the workplace harassment case where the black workers had to face a ‘WHITE ROBE, LYNCH KNOTTED ROPE, AND A WHIPPING POST !!! … the Parish paid over a $130,000 DOLLRS IN legal fees…this amount does not include the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in damages paid out to plaintiff…,

    And how about,

    2) Blue , Williams being paid over $100,000 THOUSAND DOLLARS in legal fees TO DEFEND THE INDEFENSIBLE…and in this case the legal fees surpassed the damages paid out…now that’s disgusting in and of itself !!!

    These examples above are in no way definitive of the ‘appointing’ abuse or ‘decisional’ abuse…that of campaign contributor lawyers receiving their ‘quid pro quo’ from the JP Council and JP Administration…

    Belmondo… I could continue to reference the PARISH’S LAWYERS…but I have saved that for Part #3 of The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafisoso series…

    Venez les hommes, quand cette merde putain va finir ?

  3. Belmondo…I will always defend the WHISTLEBLOWER…no matter who they may be…THEY ARE THE TRUE HEROS…the Rigsby sisters, Vandenweghe, van Heerden, Lonnie Robinson, and the list continues to grow…

    You may have been brought up in the playground by Coulon and Whitmer…and been told not to "tattle-tale" on others who did wrong…

    WELL GUESS WHAT!!!…they were bullies and they were and are morally wrong…

    And that's the dilemma we all need to crawl out of…

    Prendre soin mon ami…il ya toujours un traître baise à la vérité…

  4. Oh…I’m sorry … left out the case where Blue, Wiliiams’ fees in the INFAMOUS “Nazi Case”… SIMON vs KERLEC exceded the $$$ amount of damages paid to Mr. Simon:

    And as I will discuss in Part #3, the obscene amount paid to date by the PARISH’S LAYWER, Peytavin (Gaudry,Ranson) to “NEGOTIATE” the River Birch contract, and Anzelmo to buy time !!!

  5. TP ironically reports on a rape case in the same edition today, but "will not disclose the name of the victim since she is a juvenile." Also, they contend that the Lakeshore kids are accused of a crime of violence, but the hacks at the TP's law firm simply don't know criminal law – conspiracy to commit terrorizing, the crime charged, is not (repeat again, NOT) a crime of violence as defined by the very statutes that they rely upon. So, if no crime of violence, then the regular confidentiality of juvenile proceedings applies.

    TP just trying to sell more papers – filthy pigs

  6. Thanks Sop it was a long haul and I will enjoy the off time

    Wow Gate you got all that from my question? You truly are omnipotent

  7. Belmando…your sarcastic and illiterate jab at me failed…for context the ‘proper’ word would be OMNISCIENT, not omnipotent…

    Consider this a sardonic critique … c’est une chose français !

  8. We have another story on this from the T-P’s education department.

    The question is are the charges considered “violent” within the meaning of the Louisiana Code, what procedures are set forth under the law to make the determination and does leaking a transcript to a for profit media company out of the judges chamber follow those procedures, assuming the charge qualifies for expanded public access to the proceedings?

    This Judge Devereux’s name rings a bell with me and I may have a reason besides the upcoming election season why she would be making nice and holding hands with the T-P. I’ll save that for another post.


  9. This is simply about the TP crusade to sell papers on the back of sensationalism that violates every tenet of the juvenile justice system. The kids may be guilty, but as someone who has done stupid things as a kid, they deserve confidentiality.

  10. Planning to murder someone and then kill themselves can now be classified as a "stupid thing"? Kind of like when Ray Nagin would call murderers "knuckleheads." I don't know whether the juvenile laws provide them with confidentiality, but I would want to be in court every step of the way if someone had planned to kill my kid, or any kid my kid went to school with, for that matter.

    This is not smoking a joint, getting in a bar fight, or pissing in public.

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