Forget what I said about the lack of a cockshot. A Weinergate Weiner update.

Weinergate has taken a hard turn folks as it appears Rep Anthony Weiner has taken a page from Brett Favre’s playbook. The following link contains a pic that is purportedly Rep. Anthony’s Weiner. (parental discretion advised)

Peter North he isn’t.


9 thoughts on “Forget what I said about the lack of a cockshot. A Weinergate Weiner update.”

  1. Definitely no Peter North, but in Weiner’s weiner’s defense, it’s a bad photo. How about the use of the possessive form of weiner two times in a row?

  2. Wonder what kind of razor he uses? Or is it a wax. He has a wife and he loved hi
    So much she took that awful last name

  3. I figured you would get a charge from this post Patricia.

    With the last name and all we could have fun with this for awhile.


    1. The media is also reporting Weiner will be hanging up his hammer tonight. I loved the way the man ragged on insurers but this is straight outta Jerry Springer. Thanks for the heads up Kate.

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