My Maw is also my Grandmaw?? Interesting theroies being bandied about that Bristol, daughter of the trailer trash lady from Wascilla that will remain nameless is one horny lil' tart

With all this first birther nonsense going around I guess it is only fair to ask. Well Professor Bradford Scharlott of Northern Kentucky University did ask and he opines that baby Trig likely belongs to Bristol, not Momma.  His paper, which I’ve embedded below is worth reading IMHO.  Hat tweet Keith Douglas on Twitter and the Business Insider. ~ sop

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7 thoughts on “My Maw is also my Grandmaw?? Interesting theroies being bandied about that Bristol, daughter of the trailer trash lady from Wascilla that will remain nameless is one horny lil' tart”

  1. It is obvious that politics is nothing more than MARKETING.

    Political campaigns use mainstream media to sell an image.
    This process is used in RELENTLESSLY in Government.

    … IT’S ALIVE…

    With some difficulty, I managed to watch this video …(OF PHOTOS!), made even MORE ABRASIVE with music by Celine Dion.
    It was posted on Sarah Palin’s website in the “Meet Sarah Section”…ugh.

  2. As good as she looks, I lasted 1:17 into that video. She loves Alaska so much, she’s moving to Arizona. Now how will she kill and skin a moose in AZ?

  3. Oh come on Sock, Patricia and Sop – a gun toten, moose hunting, ex basket ball, bear skinning, salmon netting gal does not turn anyone on.

    Betta she locates near the border and takes up illegal alien hunting in AZ. Hope she mounts a few Muslim illegal terrorists for her wall.

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