2 thoughts on “Hearing today in USA v O’Dwyer – Godspeed, Ashton”

  1. Ashton I have a suggestion, learn enough insulting words and phrases in French so that the next time you have the inclination to insult one of these pompous “New Manderin” prince scumbags, you might say, ” Va te faire foutre, fumier a l’haleine de roquet” WTF these jackasses are mostly legalese illiterate. Understand French ? They can hardly communicate in English !

    I just said a prayer for you and now I have to ask forgiveness for my advise to you…merci, mon Pere. Oh, un moment…

    one last Rebel Yell, au revoir

  2. Good luck, Ashton! I know you know you’re a brillant attorney and brillant man…just keep your cool, calm down and THINK SLOWLY! Best wishes…really! It must be hard since it’s so PERSONAL, but I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!! 🙂


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