Gustav on my mind- UPDATED 5x "the right side of a hurricane is the wrong side to be on"

Moved the tracker Sop posted up so it would be easier to find as, like many of you, I’ve got Gustav on my mind. According the this story just posting on the Times Picayune

“The bottom line is that what Katrina and Rita didn’t destroy in 2005, this storm has the potential to do,”


UPDATE: just had message that footprint of Gustav is much larger than Katrina – meaning its going to step on a lot more folks when it lands. Just thought I’d add reminder that “the right side of a hurricane is the wrong side to be on” – that’s why the Coast of Mississippi saw so much damage. Remember NOLA flooding was after Katrina.

2nd update Hurricane-force winds will hit New Orleans, surge flooding threat rises for West Bank

The 10 p.m. forecast for Hurricane Gustav calls for its landfall to be just east of Morgan City early Monday afternoon as an intense Category 4 hurricane, a track that would bring hurricane force winds over most of the New Orleans area.

The eastern jog also would increase the potential for storm surge flooding of West Bank communities. The Slidell office of the National Weather Service this evening warned that it expects between 15 feet and 20 feet of storm surge near and to the right of the hurricane’s center as it goes ashore.

While it’s still unclear how high the water would be on the West Bank, farther away from the storm’s center, it could be high enough to overtop the incomplete levee system in that area.

Moving the diagonal path Gustav will take closer to New Orleans also increases the potential of surge water rising in Lake Borgne, the Industrial Canal and Lake Pontchartrain, which could test levees and walls in St. Bernard, eastern New Orleans and the Lower and Upper 9th Wards, as well as areas south of Slidell and Madisonville.

Heavy rainfall also is expected to accompany Gustav, with between 10 and 15 inches of rain expected in areas nearest its center. Continue reading “Gustav on my mind- UPDATED 5x "the right side of a hurricane is the wrong side to be on"”