Legal team for Rigsby sisters files first qui tam motion

Boy did we ever miss the Rigsby sisters’ legal team in formation and the notices of appearance filed by Mississippi attorneys Maison Heidelberg and Jinny Kennedy of Maison Heidelberg, PA.

Maison Heidelberg is a 1993 graduate of Vanderbuilt Law School. He finished in the top ten (10%) of his class… Mr. Heidelberg’s practice focuses on insurance disputes, with the rest divided between business litigation and personal injury, and other broad, general disputes…Ginny Kennedy finished Mississippi College Law School in 2006. She ranked in the top 10% of her class and brings more than fifteen years paralegal experience, which preceded her entry into law school.

Heidelberg and Kennedy are joined by the three attorneys from Gilbert Robinson admitted pro hac vice – all introduced in a Sunday post by Bellesouth. I had to go full screen to see the notices about the entrance of Heidelberg and Kennedy after finding their Emergency Motion on Pacer tonight.

Pursuant to Uniform Local Rule 7.2(h), Kerri and Cod Rigsby (“Relators” or “the Rigsbys”), through undersigned counsel, respectfully move this Court for leave to obtain information and documents from the Relators’ former counsel, all of whom have either withdrawn or been disqualified.

These folks have a light touch with heavy information – take a look at this footnote re: indemnification by Scruggs. Continue reading “Legal team for Rigsby sisters files first qui tam motion”

A Reader Sent Us This….

The Mississippi State Farm Catastrophe Induction CAT Manual. (4 MB download) Chip Merlin mentioned this document once on his blog citing it as one of the documents a good wind water attorney litigating with the Good Neighbor must have in his repertoire. My reader says it has not yet seen the light of day in litigation here, perhaps because State Farm settled out with Merlin’s clients some time back. It has turned up elsewhere though.

So I’ll post it first for use as a slabbed reference material and see what kind of discussion it generates.


Still the best but by the hardest…

Good company is even better with good food and I enjoyed both on my recent trip to the Coast. We had a great meal Saturday evening down at Ground Zero. The restaurant had relocated inland and we all but had the place to ourselves – a sign of the economy according to Sop.

Nonetheless my platter of soft shell crab was perfection as was the shrimp I bought the next day from Ly Le to bring back. She’s a shrimp-only seafood shop on wheels parked on the right at the first light passed the site of the former K-Mart location. I had a preview after dinner when we stopped by for a visit with friends of Sop’s and could hardly wait to pick up a cooler and bag of ice on Sunday and head back down to Waveland.

These jumbo beauties were $3.50 a pound which is about a third of what they are here in Jackson. With ten pounds iced down, I headed back – never giving a thought to the work ahead. I’ve now shared with friends; cooked and eaten a wonderful dinner; and tucked in my freezer the only shrimp stock I ever plan to make.

At the top of my to do list today is call someone to repair the fan in the vent over my stove top! Believe me, putting a big pot of shrimp heads on to simmer is no time to find out your fan is out.

You’ll find my favorite shrimp recipe below; but, let’s talk about the $3.50 per pound that Ly Le charges for jumbo when a gallon of gas is higher – higher than shrimp per pound and higher than a gallon of gas a year ago when FEMA issued this press release. Continue reading “Still the best but by the hardest…”