USA v Moultrie in hurry-up-and-wait phase

Seems as if the delay in getting Carothers home yesterday was an omen of more hurry up and wait to come.

Today, Judge Mills granted an Agreed Order granting the request of Moultrie’s defense for a 48-hour extension of today’s deadline for filing motions.

Magistrate Judge Alexander, on the other hand, issued an Order granting the expedited consideration of Carothers’ motion to quash the subpoena duces tecum and setting 5pm Friday as the deadline for interested parties to file a response.

Alexander’s order set 5pm Tuesday, the 29th, as the deadline for all replies to such response.

Wonder how much coffee sales will increase in Oxford over the next week. Want to bet another sweet potato, Sop? How about you, belle?

3 thoughts on “USA v Moultrie in hurry-up-and-wait phase”

  1. sop, did Sean get released today?

    Am I correct in understanding above they are giving Robert Moultrie another week to file his motions?

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