I have the following update from Legal

The following minute entry appeared today in the “removed” Dec. Action involving Slabbed New Media, Moi, Charles Leary, Vaughn Perret and Trout Point Lodge:

Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge John M. Roper: Status Conference held on 4/24/2012. Pursuant to a conference held on this date and after discussion among the parties, the Court determined that this matter may be resolved by dispositive motion. Parties will file dispositive motions within thirty days of receipt of the official transcript of the underlying proceeding held in Nova Scotia,Canada. Parties are ordered to exchange any transcripts retained.

The action is in the removed case as we’ll be dismissing the original suit that I filed. I’d now like to point out the following from 28 USCA § 4105:

In any action brought in a domestic court to enforce a foreign judgment for defamation, including any such action removed from State court to Federal court, the domestic court shall, absent exceptional circumstances, allow the party opposing recognition or enforcement of the judgment a reasonable attorney’s fee if such party prevails in the action on a ground specified in section 4102 (a), (b), or (c).

That is all.


“The face of the enemy frightens me only when I see how much it resembles me”. Leary and Perret send a nasty gram to Timothy Gillespie at South Coast Today

A couple of days ago I fished a South Coast Today story on the Shelburne Whiskey Distillery from the google cache and published an excerpt of it as the Slabbed Nation speculated why it was pulled.  Last night in comments to that post Rat Bastard did some speculating as to the reason the story was pulled and it looks as if he was right as we visit today with the SouthCoast Today story “Trout Point Complaints” as Mr Gillespie has gone on the record with the back story on why his original report that we highlighted was pulled:

Below is a letter received April 3 regarding a story previously posted on SCT, but withdrawn as a courtesy to the management of Trout Point Lodge. As promised in the past, we have agreed to post complaints they have about SCT coverage of issues surrounding Trout Point Lodge. As we do not track Google cache (or any other archive service) we have no knowlege of what archives exist from any postings, current or removed.

Of course Rat Bastard appears to be spot on with his observation that the story was pulled “and only in Cache because of some of the same tactics that the people at the “point” have used in the past and are currently using with….. some unmentioned blog.”

This is a given and our readers may remember that when Leary and Perret identified former Trout Point Lodge Manager Joyce Case Harlow as having spoken with me, they passed several threats against her to the point where she called me on the phone very upset. THeir harassment of Ms Harlow finally stopped when I publicly advised her to call the FBI.  I mention this because Leary and Perret’s letter to Gillespie seems to indicate they have done likewise to the source for his original story, an unnamed official with the Town of Shelburne Nova Scotia as I again quote from today’s SouthCoast Today story: Continue reading ““The face of the enemy frightens me only when I see how much it resembles me”. Leary and Perret send a nasty gram to Timothy Gillespie at South Coast Today”

“The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It’s drawn the finest people.” Well maybe they’re not all ‘fine’ as Slabbed updates its SPEECH Act case against the Goatherders at Trout Point Lodge

They need to go into whatever Mississippi county court Slabbed is domiciled in. By doing so, they also opent themselves up to a reconventional demand for filing a frivolous lawsuit and any other sanction a state court may deem appropriate.

How in the world are these bufoons going to find local counsel? Are they going to represent themselves pro se?

Folks there has been a lot of water under the bridge since I filed for Declaratory relief under the SPEECH Act against the specious libel judgment the managers of Trout Point Lodge obtained against me in the SLAPP happy libel tourism haven of Nova Scotia. To catch everyone up when I filed my suit against Leary and Perret I sent them Rule 4d waivers, which they subsequently returned to me unexecuted. Early this month and despite the existing lawsuit, they filed to enforce their judgment in Hancock County Circuit Court using Henry Laird of Jones Walker’s Gulfport office to file the motion.

Today Mr Gerald Cruthird filed motions in United States District Court to remove the Circuit Court action to the United States District Court in what is a prelude to it being consolidated into the original case. Gerald has been my accounting firm’s counsel for almost 20 years as well as my personal attorney and I’m happy to announce his addition to the Mississippi contingent of the Slabbed legal team along with Tom Vaughn, who I introduced earlier today. Continue reading ““The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It’s drawn the finest people.” Well maybe they’re not all ‘fine’ as Slabbed updates its SPEECH Act case against the Goatherders at Trout Point Lodge”

Please stand by for an important annoucement from Slabbed New Media

The revelations that have come over the past 90 days or so in the massive and still unfolding criminal investigation into the political corruption scandals in metro New Orleans have been absolutely stunning and for better or worse Slabbed, among other media outlets,is a part of that narrative.

There have been some things happening behind the scenes here at Slabbed corporate over the past 3 weeks and we are almost to the point where I’ll be able to disclose some of those happenings. So while we wait for the good word from the Slabbed New Media legal team, allow me to introduce one of Slabbed’s lawyers, Mr Tom Vaughn of Gulfport to the Slabbed Nation. Tom enrolled in Slabbed’s SPEECH Act case last week.  He will have some company soon.

Consider this today’s open thread.
