A Quick Programming Note

I’ve been away from my office for all practical purposes the last 6 weeks. To say that we’ve been blessed would be an understatement. Physically, what was “half way to home” bit over a year ago has become all the way home. We took a day off from our daily 10K this morning but I still managed to snag my steps on the treadmill while listening to the Chili Peppers. Life is good folks.

Judging from site traffic more than few of you understand the significance of yesterday’s news, which I’m not going into right now. I’ve also been teasing an update to this post and that too is going to happen shortly as I wanted to see what, if anything developed on the docket in advance of the scheduled hearing.

2021 marks Slabbed’s 14th year in continuous publication. The internet hasn’t yet seen the best of us. 🙂

…..that was a long time and no matter how I try
The years just flow by like a broken down dam.

Angel from Montgomery ~ John Prine

Good News, Better News…..

We’re blowing and going here on the main campus and I look to be very tied up with the day job until next month, when I drop the very and should just be tied up.

The better news is we’re able to do about ten miles of road work before 8 AM, which is freeing up more of the day for other things, such as collapsing from exhaustion. Seriously we haven’t felt this good since we were in our 20s.

Here is a link for those that missed it concerning the criminals in the Catholic Church. At least this one isn’t for buggering kids:

Ex-Miss. priest indicted; accused of lying about cancer, Mexican orphanage. Catholic Diocese enters into deferred prosecution agreement with US Attorney ~ Jacob Gallant

It will be OK folks, they scapegoated a couple of the accountants. We should all feel safer now. Except for the sexual predators that is.

Some Quick Housekeeping

Several of you have noticed the website crashing periodically and I am aware of the speculation about Slabbed coming under attack from rogue elements in a certain state agency.

Yesterday’s crash came at a bad time, I’m super busy in the day job and am trying to walk a few miles this week to continue the journey to better health. That said a long time friend stepped up to help and the problem has been identified and solved. In the process I became hipper to the kernel and like most things in the computing world I’ll be able to solve this issue again, should it arise.

I now return you to our regular programming.

Almost 6 months ago to the day…..

We started a journey to better health and fitness. Such would also be the reason for the decrease in activity here as there are just so many hours in the day. We’re now doing 6 miles of walking before most of you leave home for work. And that does not count the weightlifting four days a week.

The good news is I haven’t felt better in years losing weight and gaining muscle mass in the process.

My thanks to all who have inquired about the lack of activity here. Slabbed is not going anywhere, even if I do not post as much. Sometime in the next year I expect to meet the goals I set for myself back in May and gain more time back for this place.

The Time Away was Refreshing

We didn’t plan to take a three week break folks it just kinda happened that way. It was nice to get away.

Now the primaries are over the folks in Louisiana will have their elections and my inbox is already filling up with political paraphernalia from there – here is an example:

Reader submitted photo
Reader submitted photo

Somewhere buried deep in Slabbed’s archives would be the inspiration for the above which is why I reckon we got an advance copy.

Meantime Senate District 50 came down to one vote and upon recount one vote again. Scott DeLano now is taking his electoral challenge to the Courthouse. Once the dust settles my advice is for DeLano to get with Waveland Alderman Charlie Piazza to get some perspective.

About a month ago the website was down for almost 30 hours…..

It happened a few days after this post was published. That turned out to be an important weekend for a few other reasons as I also caught up with a particularly well connected source with a deep institutional knowledge of the South Louisiana political landscape.

In any event while Slabbed was offline the tech team here, working with Slabbed’s web host made several security improvements to the website that insured that the odds of being knocked offline by another major DDoS attack would reduced to the minimum. Along those lines yesterday’s attack was a mere blip on the radar with the added bonus that we were able to trace certain of the traffic from proxy server to proxy server. It will only take one slip up and we’ll have an IP address. Such is a simple matter of time.

As for that visit I had last month with an old friend, I was told that prominent politician that was subject to those indictment rumors is likely in the clear. Indictment rumors are notoriously unreliable as I mentioned back in January the twist here being that Team FBI was indeed building a case but it evidently wasn’t strong enough to merit prosecution. That observation isn’t coming to Slabbed from the government. Sometimes the best sources in such matters would be the targets themselves. That is how Kim Savant’s indictment leaked for instance. We will file that old post under case closed.