So what if BP is using Magnum to buy all the major politicians like Bobby Jindal and Mary Landrieu?

Just in case anyone was wondering how a relatively few individuals on Wall Street could almost single-handedly bankrupt the country and not a single person went to jail for any of the massive financial frauds that have come to light (we bailed them out instead) wonder no more as the good folks over at Zero Hedge compare and contrast campaign finance reports of Harry Reid with John Boehner pointing out both men are owned by corporate interests lock stock and barrel.

Now before the oil spill the politicians that were owned by big oil locally could be pretty open about that fact as Mary Landrieu’s career campaign finance reports indicate. I strongly suspect sight unseen Bobby Jindal got a bunch of oil and gas ca$h too as he got lots as a congressman.  After the spill it just wouldn’t look so good for any politician that was excoriating BP to take campaign ca$h from them but it seems as if there is always willing middle man to spread the wealth and into our narrative enter Magnum JD, his partner and their nonrefundable $1.115 million dollar contract with BP to provide advice on how to deal with state officials. Let’s follow the money and take a looksie at a partial list of the fundraisers ol’ Mags held around that time period:

In this episode of Magnum J.D. the conclusion to our two hour special: Pimpin’ ain’t easy so let’s hop aboard the ho’ train.

BP dropped its wallet in the wrong neighborhood. ~ Member of the national media recounting his favorite BP quote heard during the oil spill.

As one of the world’s leading companies, we have a responsibility to set high standards: to be, and be seen to be, a business which is committed to integrity. In a complex global business environment like ours, that’s not always easy. Our code of conduct is designed to help us achieve this.

Our code of conduct is the cornerstone of our commitment to integrity. As Bob Dudley, our group chief executive, affirmed: “Our reputation, and therefore our future as a business, depends on each of us, everywhere, every day, taking personal responsibility for the conduct of BP’s business”. The BP code of conduct is an essential tool to help our people meet this aspiration. The code summarizes our standards for the way we behave. All our employees must follow the code of conduct. It clearly defines what we expect of our business and our people, regardless of location and background. Ultimately it is about helping BP people to do the right thing.

And we have this from Magnum’s contract with BP:

BP Legal expects that the Firm will adhere to BP’s Code of Conduct when providing services to BP

But it actually gets better than that as we have this from Magnum’s contract with BP. Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum J.D. the conclusion to our two hour special: Pimpin’ ain’t easy so let’s hop aboard the ho’ train.”